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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Scientific notation

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No warranty expressed or implied, but this may work:

Define a field "sciNum" as text and

a field "plainNum" as a calculation field returning a number.

plainNum =

TextToNum( Left(sciNum, ( Position(sciNum,"E", 1, 1) - 1 ) ) ) *

10 ^ ( TextToNum( Right(sciNum, Length(sciNum) - Position(sciNum,"E", 1, 1) ) ))

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More explanation:

You will enter your number in scientific notation as text into the field "sciNum" , but display the results of the calculation field "plainNum".

The first line of the calculation finds the stuff to the left of the "E" character and then multiplies it by the 10 raised to the power of th stuff on the right side of the "E".

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