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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Where's the best location for a FM runtime?


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Where's the best location (on a Mac) to install a FM Runtime solution? Should the user have the project folder in the Documents folder or the Applications folder? What's the principle involved here?

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For the runtimes I distribute, I recommend my users install it in their personal Documents folder.

I want the runtime database files to be part of their normal file backup strategy.

The user needs to have write permission to the runtime database files. Only users with Admin privileges have write access to the system-wide Applications folder. Thus non-Admin users would run into trouble if the runtime folder were in the Applications folder.

If you want to have a centralized location for multiple users to use the runtime alternately, I would recommend the /Users/Shared folder where all users have read/write permissions.

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Interesting, I like your reasoning.

Back when I distributed RunTimes, I had Mac Users put them in the Applications directory. I treated it just like on Windows, it is a Program.

But at the end of the day, if the user (and the developer for updating) know where the RT is, then it doesn't really matter.

My $0.02

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