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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Help! Very upsetting runtime problem!


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Hi all

Been a while since I posted here, been quietly getting on with stuff. Anyway, one of things I have been getting on with is a pilot's logbook database, for pilots like myself. I'm oing to be distributing it as a runtime in FMP10, and I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out.

However, there is a problem. One of my test subjects (running XP) has spent much time and input his entire logbook into a much earlier version, and I was out there tonight to upgrade him to the finished version, and that is where I ran into trouble, big time.

Before running my setup program, we took his existing .USR file and moved it to another directory and renamed it .fp7 in an effort to protect the data in it. We also renamed the folder it came from and then went and installed the new one (with a small amount of sample data). The first thing I noticed was some display weirdness - screen not redrawing properly, buttons not appearing. Strange. I then tried to import from the old file, arranged the fields in the import dialog and tried to import. More weirdness - the sample data reappeared, not the data from the old file!!

I brought the file home with me to look at with filemaker and it's like it's been overwritten.. This is a major problem for me as it will be a disaster if his data is gone. No I didn't ask about a backup, I'm a bit nervous the way he said 'I hope my data isn't gone' !!!

Any idea what the heck happened here? I thought we took precautions to keep it from being destroyed but that looks like what's happened!


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Where I would start:

1. FM10 on WinXP requires SP3. Confirm the install.

2. If you have his .usr file, open it on your workstation with FM (not thru a runtime). I'd bet you have his data.

3. The weirdness during your import. Perhaps you're still in a found set? How about serial numbers? I'd install an "empty" system, import and reset serial numbers in each table to the next highest value. This is very important.

Not sure if you've done this, but I've posted many times about runtimes, since I've lived to tell about my experiences. You may wish to search for the thread where I describe my Upgrade Wizard routine.



PS: You are NOT responsible for his data!

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Where I would start:

1. FM10 on WinXP requires SP3. Confirm the install.

2. If you have his .usr file, open it on your workstation with FM (not thru a runtime). I'd bet you have his data.

3. The weirdness during your import. Perhaps you're still in a found set? How about serial numbers? I'd install an "empty" system, import and reset serial numbers in each table to the next highest value. This is very important.

Not sure if you've done this, but I've posted many times about runtimes, since I've lived to tell about my experiences. You may wish to search for the thread where I describe my Upgrade Wizard routine.



PS: You are NOT responsible for his data!

Thanks for replying! I have calmed down a little since I posted, so I will try and answer your points now:

1) I would be very surprised if he isn't on the latest but will check

2) I opened the file he gave me on FMA10 and not only is his data not there but it looks like the new version of the file. Either he gave me the wrong file or it's overwritten the old one with the new one!

3) The import script imports to a temp table and then moves the data over a record at a time, filtering a couple of things and so on. The result of the import step was one record imported, which is what the sample file had, not the original file with his data. When we noticed it wasn't importing his data, I tried double clicking on his old .usr file directly and when it opened it looked like the new file with the sample data! That's when I started to panic :-)

I will confirm he gave me the right file and he's on the right version of XP, but I think we're sunk here. I have no idea what went wrong but boy, did it ever! Something to do with two files with the same bind key maybe?: I dunno, but it sucks :-)

I know I'm not responsible for his data and he's had it that long he should have a backup, seeing as he's in IT for a living, he should know better, but I bet he hasn't got a backup. Makes me feel bad that indirectly I'm somehow responsible for the loss of his data.. Oh well...


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