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Hi Guys, wondering if you could check over this script. I have an job order i need to converted to an invoice. I can get most of except, these invoices are created by the user selecting which items from the job order to be invoiced. Again no problem. what I am trying to do is warn the user that if they select an item already invoiced, please try again. But I am stuck. The first check is to see if they want to create a second invoice most time they do.

==Create Invoices==: Create Invoices


Allow User Abort[ Off ]

Set Error Capture [ On ]


If [ Invoices_From_Jobs::id_joborder ]

Show Custom Dialog[ Title: "Transfer Error"; Message: "An INVOICE has already been made for this Job Order. Would you like another

INVOICE made?"; Buttons: “Yes”, “Cancel” ]

If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = "2" ]

Exit Script [ ]

End If

End If

Set Variable [ $id_jo; Value:JobOrders::ID_JOBORDER ]

Set Variable [ $flag_line_items; Value:Job_Order_Line_Items::id_constant ]

Set Variable [ $jocalc; Value:JobOrders::JobOrderNoCalc ]

Set Variable [ $inclinv; Value:"Y" ]


#1.Cust Info

Set Variable [ $c_id; Value:JobOrders::id_contact ]


Go to Layout[ “Invoices_From_Jobs” (Invoices_From_Jobs) ]

New Record/Request

Set Variable [ $id_inv; Value:Invoices_From_Jobs::ID_Invoice ]


#Cust Info - Jobs

Set Field[ Invoices_From_Jobs::id_contact; $c_id ]

Set Field[ Invoices_From_Jobs::JobOrderNumberCalc ; $jocalc ]

#--------------------------------------Transfer Line Items

If [ $flag_line_items = 1 ]

// New Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items...Part 2"; Height: 50; Width: 200; Top: 50; Left: 50 ]

// New Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items"; Height: 50; Width: 200; Top: 50; Left: 50 ]

Go to Layout[ “Job Order Line Items - Maintenance” (Job_Order_Line_Items) ]

Enter Find Mode [ ]

Set Field[ Job_Order_Line_Items::id_joborder ; $id_jo ]

Set Field[ Job_Order_Line_Items::incl_invoice ; $inclinv ]

Perform Find[ ]

If [ Get (FoundCount) = 0 ]

Exit Script [ ]

End If

Go to Record/Request/Page

[ First]


#--------------------------------------Set variables with line item info

Set Variable [ $lineid; Value:Job_Order_Line_Items::ID_LineItem ]

Set Variable [ $desc; Value:Job_Order_Line_Items::Description ]

Set Variable [ $quantity; Value:Job_Order_Line_Items::Quantity ]

Set Variable [ $price; Value:Job_Order_Line_Items::UnitPrice]

#--------------------------------------Go to invoice line items window

February 21, 2012 22:53:44 -1-Estimates 2012v1.1.fp7 - Create Invoices Copy

==Create Invoices==: Create Invoices Copy

// Select Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items...Part 2"; Current file ]

Go to Layout[ “Invoice_LineItems_Maint” (Invoice_LineItems) ]

New Record/Request

Go to Record/Request/Page

[ Last ]

Set Field[ Invoice_LineItems::id_invoice ; $ID_INV ]

Set Field[ Invoice_LineItems::Description ; $desc ]

Set Field[ Invoice_LineItems::Quantity; $quantity ]

Set Field[ Invoice_LineItems::UnitPrice ; $price ]

Set Field[ Invoice_LineItems::joblineitem; $lineid ]

#--------------------------------------If lineitem from Jobs exists, notify user

If [ Invoice_LineItems::joblineitem ]

Show Custom Dialog[ Title: "Invoicing Error!"; Message: "An Invoice with some of the line items you selected have already bee

invoiced for. Please verify you selection and try creating another invoice!"; Buttons: “Yes”, “Cancel” ]

If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = "2" ]

Revert Record/Request

[ No dialog ]

Go to Layout[ “Job Orders” (JobOrders) ]

Exit Script [ ]

End If

End If

// Select Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items"; Current file ]

Go to Layout[ “Job Order Line Items - Maintenance” (Job_Order_Line_Items) ]

Go to Record/Request/Page

[ Next; Exit after last ]

End Loop

// Close Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items...Part 2"; Current file ]

// Close Window [ Name: "Transferring Line Items"; Current file ]

End If

// Select Window [ Current Window ]

Go to Layout[ “Invoices_From_Jobs” (Invoices_From_Jobs) ]

Commit Records/Requests

Adjust Window

[ Maximize ]

Set Zoom Level

[ 150% ]

This topic is 4728 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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