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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

a Perform Find with >=// over a peer-to-peer doesn't grab date stamp when on guest


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I have reciently installed a peer to peer network on two Windows 2000 systems. Now I am sharing my solution on this little network. I have gone through all the steps to share my files correctly (open file, hosts, etc...). Every thing is going great... accept when I proform a script (by hiting a button) that takes me to my Job Schedule which shows me all my jobs for today and the future. The script step is simply a Perform Find. Before writing this script I did the find that I wanted done in this script, which was >=// in the Job Date field. This has been working perfectly for about 7 years now. It still works perfectly on the host machien. The problem is that whenever a script is used on the guest machien that uses >=// it brings up all the records that have dates in the Job Date field instead of just the Jobs for today and the future. I have tried a couple of things that have not worked: I tried to do a manual find on the guest machien (I went into find mode, put >=// in the Job Date field and hit find)This still did not work - it brought up all my records. I tried to add a Set Field step in the script which would set the Job Date field with a Todays Date field - this did not work.

If I host the files on my Guest Machien it seams to work fine.

Please ask me any clarifing questions.



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Create a calc field in the database that flags all current records, say


If( Job Date < Status(CurrentDate), 0, 1)

Make the calculation unstored.

Now perform the search for current=1.

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I am now having trouble with the storage options. When I do not alow indexing it takes forever for my job schedule to come up. So I tried turning indexing on but selecting no other storage options. It works alot faster, but the "1" does not change to a "0" when the Job Date becomes yesterday unless I go into each record and change the date to the day before and then back to its original date. From what I can tell the binary field is not re-evaluating itself. Do you have any tricks?

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