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Find and Date

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I have two questions:

One: I have 1800 records with a date (imported from FoxPro) in the form

20010509, year 2001, month 05, day 09. How can I change all this date field so the date is 05/09/2001. The new input is OK its the old 1800 that I need to change. I did a left, right and middle but it leaves spaces between the numbers.

Two: I have a field that contains names. I want to do a find on multiple different names and have that list displayed/printed. What is the best way to accomplish this?



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For your first question: create a calc field [Like NewDate_calc] and use the following formula "=Date(Middle(CurDate, 5, 2), Right(CurDate, 2), Left(CurDate, 4))". Create a new date field as a date, and write a script that will loop thru the 1800 old record and set the new date field to the date value in the NewDate_Calc field and then set the old date field the value of the new date field. I have to have and intermediate field hold otherwise I believe you'll come up with circular reference in your calculations. One you have converted the dates you can remove the NewDate_Calc and new date field.

As for question two: when you do your find, enter the name of the person you want name field, and then select New Request under the Record menu. This will present with a new form to enter the name of the next person, etc. etc. This is how you do "OR" searches in FMP.


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This topic is 8409 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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