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Global Field NOT updating?

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I am using FM 12 Adv

Since my membership application was started, I have stored the version number as a global, calculation (so that my import will not over write it).  As I release a new version, I just change the value of the "Version" field.


Today I updated from version 1.48 to 1.49 and to my surprise even though the Global::Version field shows 1.49, on my layout it says 1.48.  How can that be?


Shouldn't my layout say 1.49???







I went to version 1.47.  Changed the global calculated text value to "1.444" .  It shows on the layout.


I copy v 1.47 Global::Version Field.

I go to 1.49 and paste it.

I delete the existing 1.49 global::version

I rename Version 2 to Version

I delete Version on the layout.

I drag a new field onto the layout

I specify that it is Global::Version..


and I get this? ????




Nada, zero, zippo.  The field is there but the content is missing.  Huh?



I went into v 1.49 Global table.

Created a NEW field called Global::Version2 and made it Text, Calculated, Global.

I set the contents to "Version2"

I went back to the layout and put Global::Version2 on the layout.

The field is blank... as above?

So, I go back into edit mode.

Select the Version2 field and change it to point to another Global, Caculated Text Field.

It works!!???? How can this be?



I created 3 separate "Versions" fields and populated them as follows:



Then, I go back to the layout, specify Global::Version as the field and get "1.48"


If I change the field to any of the 'other versions' I get blank? ???


So, as you can see, Global::Version is NOT = "1.48"  So, where does FM get that value?

(I checked my startup script and it does not change the Global::Version)




Which is the type of result of that calculation, number or text ?


BTW: I thik that your global table has no records.

It is a global, calculated field that returns 'text'


Which is the type of result of that calculation, number or text ?


BTW: I thik that your global table has no records.

Your BTW comment did the trick for me. 

I remembered that I was tweaking my import script (which goes to a table and deletes all records and then imports them) and I had removed the 'add record' on the Global table.  After I put it back, everything was as before.


Thank you very much for the 'kick in the head' that I needed. 


I have some thoughts on this matter (RE: *some* of the global fields not showing values while others do show values)


In the same global table, in addition to Global::Version, there are fields for Global::Address, Global::City, Global::State etc.


After my import script deletes all the records in Global it was Importing all the Global records from the previous version.  While Global::Version would not show content assigned to it, Global::Address did show imported content.  Yet, there were 'no records' in the table.  Can you elaborate on what is going on?  (I can see that adding a record after the import solved the problem but I do not understand why)


Thank you

This topic is 4202 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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