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FM14 : Tab bar : Wrong Fonts


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We have a database that's been upgraded from FM9 through FM14.  It works great, except for today one of our users (on Windows) said that she was seeing gibberish on the Tab control.    We looked at it on Mac and did not see the gibberish, but did see that the fonts were not being rendered properly (e.g. we have 3 Tab panels on the Tab control, and all are set to Trebuchet MS 12, yet one shows as Trebuchet MS 12, but the second and third are showing up as Arial or maybe Helvetica.  It's a subtle difference and we didn't notice until now).

Weird.   Opened it up in Layout mode, and tried to change the font, and things got weirder:  I could change the font to something else ("Zapf dingbats" for example) which would show up on screen, but as soon as I switched to another tab, the font would switch back.   


I tried the new "Tabs Share Single Style" option, but it didn't help.


I notice that FM14v2 mentions a font issue in OS X but we are already on FM14v2.


Anyone else see this issue?    

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