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FileMaker 14 slow compared to FileMaker 11

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We have a database which runs calculated applescripts to create customised Excel files.

I have a test run of 890 records.

The original Filemaker 11 version takes 13 minutes to complete.

The converted Filemaker 14 version takes 56 minutes to complete.

I have moved the files from the server to my desktop. Both tests have been done from the same computer (MacPro6,1 MacOS 10.9). Other than the conversion to v14, the files are the same.

What have I missed? Does FM14 treat applescript or calculations differently?

Thanks in advance.

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I have now got a solution to this, although convoluted.

The problem seems to be a delay as filemaker calls the applescript (possibly sandboxing?).

By getting filemaker to write the applescript to a text file on the desktop, and then running that applescript via a shell script command to run the applescript, it can now process the whole batch in under 4 minutes.


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