The Execute FileMaker Data API script step has been around for quite a few years. It was introduced in FileMaker 19, around 2020. If you haven't used it, you may be manually creating JSON for your records when you don’t need to — FileMaker can do this for you. I covered this script step in a video in 2021, explaining how the REST/Data API functionality translates into internal use.
While some features perform better than the Execute Data API step — ExecuteSQL() being one of them — it requires a
Every development task involves both what you know and what you don’t. The key to achieving the desired outcome often lies in learning what you don’t yet understand. That’s exactly what we’ll explore in this video – how to collect data from related tables for use in various ways.
If you haven’t used the GetNthRecord() function before, this video provides a perfect example of one of its applications. When combined with the While() function, you can build virtually any data structure to help you
One of the best feelings when developing is making new discoveries and finding solutions to common problems you didn’t know how to solve before. In this week’s video, I present an overarching solution for managing the layout state of any layout within your application. I also introduce a highly useful method for both managing and executing a universal sort on any field present in the layout.
The combination of managing the layout state with the introduction of a universal sorting script will si
The first and most common way you'll likely use JSON within your FileMaker solution - should you choose to adopt it for this purpose - is as your primary method for passing script parameters.
If you haven’t done so yet, it is highly recommended that you use JSON for script parameters. Not only does this provide an opportunity to become thoroughly familiar with the format, but it also helps you understand the most common method of transmitting data when working with nearly any internet-based API
Designing layouts in FileMaker is one of my favorite aspects of the platform. The ability to simply drag and position elements exactly where you want them feels akin to being a painter, free to use any tools and materials you choose. FileMaker strikes a remarkable balance between the creative and technical sides of development.
Like all things, achieving the desired results requires knowing a few tricks. Whether it's about stacking objects efficiently or minimizing their number, it's up to the
Capturing external data directly into FileMaker has always been a bit of challenge due to the variety of technologies required to set everything up. In the past, XML and PHP were commonly used, taking advantage of direct integrations available in FileMaker Server. Even earlier, during the "wild west" days of FileMaker, some systems remarkably relied on AppleScript to facilitate data exchange. Claris, then operating as FileMaker, Inc., provided libraries and methods to enable these connections.
One of the great things about being a developer is finding flow. It’s that feeling when you’re cranking out code, accomplishing one task after another, and time seems to fade into the background - you’re in the zone. However, a few things can really disrupt your flow, and one of the biggest culprits is your development environment.
If your syntax highlighting doesn’t work, or your environment slows you down, productivity takes a hit. That’s why one of the best things any coder can do is optimiz
When incorporating graphic design into your FileMaker solution, you might either be the sole designer or collaborate with someone to enhance the user experience. Regardless of your role, it's always beneficial to understand how to effectively use colors within your solution.
You can, obviously, make straightforward choices, such as simple selections of colors from the built-in color picker. But, there are additional tips and techniques that can significantly enhance your ability to use colors s
Taking advantage of JavaScript within FileMaker is a crucial skill that can significantly enhance your solutions. Relying solely on native FileMaker capabilities can be limiting, as certain tasks are more effectively handled with JavaScript.
Using a Web Viewer to execute JavaScript comes with nuances. For instance, when a JavaScript process takes longer than a few milliseconds, providing a visually appealing progress indicator can greatly improve the user experience. This is where the concept o
Who doesn't love making their software look great? We all want our solutions to be visually appealing, highly usable, and efficiently streamlined. Along with these desires comes the need to understand the environment so you can easily modify your layout and achieve those objectives.
This video covers working in Layout Mode and taking advantage of various tools and keyboard modifiers, which make it very easy to both create and manipulate your layouts. If you've been looking for ways to make your
As technology advances and becomes as critical to our digital lives as water is to our physical well-being, we must be keenly aware of whether that "water" is tainted with harmful elements that could harm us.
This sentiment applies not only to your health but also to your technological security concerns. For most technical systems, we may be inclined to assume that "big tech" — meaning the creators of the software or technology — will automatically make things safe for us. However, there may be
In the world of programming, there are various concepts you need to understand in order to create software which is both functional and resilient. Maintaining that code may be another challenge, but if you don't learn about exception handling and determining if your processes truly succeed or fail based on expectations, you risk inviting more errors and failures than you might anticipate.
In this video, we'll cover several critical aspects of a FileMaker database solution. Yes, FileMaker Pro is
Being more productive when developing in FileMaker is something that will always pay off. You’ll create solutions faster and feel better about how quickly you can solve problems.
Due to the unique environment in which we write code, there are concepts other developers have access to that we don’t. We’re not using a standard text editor with modules and plug-ins to extend its functionality. In FileMaker, we rely on a few third-party plug-ins and tools to enhance the development experience.
In t
PDFs have become the digital equivalent of what was once printed on paper and will likely remain in use for a long time. They offer an easy way to present structured information, and FileMaker simplifies PDF generation by allowing you to save your layout's design as a PDF.
However, there are times when simply exporting FileMaker data to a PDF isn't enough — you may need to populate an existing PDF with data. The challenge can be getting your FileMaker data into a copy of the PDF. While there ar
If you're developing in FileMaker and haven't invested time in learning and using JSON, you're at a significant disadvantage. JSON is not difficult to learn, and it's used in so many areas of modern development that it's crucial to get familiar with it if you haven't already.
In this video, I begin with the basics of JSON and its implementation within FileMaker. Once you start using it, you'll find it's valuable for much more than just passing parameters. While passing parameters is one of the
Over the years, I've met a wide range of developers. Just like the variety of clothing styles you'll see at any popular concert, there are potentially just as many different programming styles. The usefulness, however, of development standards is equivalent to the simplicity of a stoplight. If we can all agree on one thing, then that one thing can benefit everyone who uses it.
When you consider this statement in light of FileMaker's available Global Variables, it's hard to agree on the decision
One of FileMaker's most advantageous tools added in recent years is the Button Bar. It was the first way to present dynamic, calculated content directly on the screen. This removed the need for the decades-long practice of adding "yet another unstored calculation field." You can calculate something and render it right on the screen.
Then, in FileMaker 20, we got a new layout object called Layout Calculations. While these now provide the same functionality as a Button Bar, they do so without the
FileMaker's script triggers can be problematic if you don't properly test and debug the user interaction flow. Some developers, perhaps even yourself, avoid script triggers for this reason.
However, script triggers can be incredibly useful. Unlike JavaScript in the Web Viewer or other environments (anyone remember HyperCard or Adobe Flash?), which have numerous possible events, FileMaker offers a limited set of events called Script Triggers.
One of the best aspects of Script Triggers is that t
Our world of software development is changing rapidly! With AI influencing the way we develop, it becomes increasingly important for developers to become informed about the tools which help them become more efficient.
Fortunately, we still live in a world where people have to coordinate and organize code. Even if AI can create near-flawless code in some cases, it doesn't create the ideas. Humans are the creative force. Whether you're using a simple Find & Replace to refactor some functions,
Expanding on a recently released article about Incredibly Easy Menus, which used a Card Window and showcased minimal use of popovers, I've now created a new dedicated setup specifically for use with popovers. Using this method, you can implement the technique and manage your solution-wide popovers from a single location for code. Solution maintenance becomes vastly simplified with this approach.
Remember, our goal as developers is to create DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code. This is exactly what
JSON, JSON, JSON! If you haven't gotten used to it yet, you'd better start. It's the way you communicate with the web. It's the structure that's winning. XML is too verbose, and .tab and .csv aren't always clear enough.
So, what are some of the ways you can create JSON within FileMaker? Here are just a few:
1. Create a calculated field of it.
2. Use ExecuteSQL() to return it.
3. Use Execute FileMaker Data API [ ].
4. Write a looping script.
5. Or... you can just export it.
This last metho
While some of the excitement around AI deals with using the technology within your FileMaker solution, it's likely that, as a developer, you should be more excited about how AI changes what you do as a developer.
In fact, it's theorized that the occupation of being a developer will be one of the careers most affected by AI. So, what do you do while we wait and see if this is truly the case? Well, you use AI, of course!
If you haven't yet dipped your toes into the world of using AI to compose s
If there's one thing you shouldn't ignore from the start of any FileMaker solution, it's the way security is going to factor into your creation. You need to know who the users and groups are and what their access rights are. These access rights are called privilege sets within FileMaker.
All too often, security may be an afterthought because most of the fun typically lies in creating solutions to the problems. The real trick is to create the solution to the problem while simultaneously consider
Companies release new versions of software all the time. One of the issues we may face as developers is that not everything is documented and the "marketing spin" might not provide all the technical details. In this video I showcase how I go about the process by performing and ad hoc discover of some of the new features in the Claris FileMaker 2024 release.
Click the title or link to this article to view the video. View the full article