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Protecting FileMaker Files

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By Matt Petrowsky

There's nothing more heart wrenching than when you first realize that something horribly wrong has just happened. It's such a distinct feeling that we all know what I'm talking about.

Just imagine being at the airport and you've got your laptop bag just beside you. After going through security, you feel like you're ready to have a relaxing flight. As you turn to grab your bag, you suddenly realize it's gone! Jumping up, you scan around and see absolutely no evidence of anything having happened. Nothing.

I can't even type those words without having the feeling come over me. The same thing applies to a server administrator when they realize their server has been breached. Yet, it's our job to do our best to learn what we can about protecting our data.

Well, this video has a lot of the critical information you need to know about protecting your FileMaker files. No matter where you are in the learning curve about building a FileMaker system, the information in this video is must know type of knowledge.


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