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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×
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Testing Privilege Sets

FileMaker Magazine


If there's one thing you shouldn't ignore from the start of any FileMaker solution, it's the way security is going to factor into your creation. You need to know who the users and groups are and what their access rights are. These access rights are called privilege sets within FileMaker.

All too often, security may be an afterthought because most of the fun typically lies in creating solutions to the problems. The real trick is to create the solution to the problem while simultaneously considering how security wraps around that problem.

Unfortunately, with FileMaker being such a flexible platform, testing those access rights is not obviously easy. We have one simple way of testing one privilege set versus another: logging out of the system and then logging back in as another user. This process, while critical, can seem like a hassle, so it's often deferred. With the information in the associated video and technique file, you'll enjoy learning about a very easy-to-use system that allows for testing things quite easily. The solution simply takes advantage of part of how FileMaker works after the authentication process. Need to up your security game within FileMaker? You're sure to find some answers within this solution.

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