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  1. webko's post in web viewer + iwp + word wrap was marked as the answer   
    You could try having another field displayed that uses the GetAsCSS calculation:
  2. webko's post in FileMaker output to PHP array was marked as the answer   
    How does the array naturally return?
    I'd probably just use two loops on the result set to build the two tables...
  3. webko's post in Global Fields was marked as the answer   
    There's no harm in committing the record - if it's part of a find script then it will have no effect...
    But for the second part... a field defined as global has values on a per user basis. The next user has the same fields but with their values... and so on.
    When they login, the global fields will have a default value. But this may change as they use functionality.
    Let say you have a field gUserName which is a text field global. It's default is "" - a blank field.
    After logging in, you may set this as part of the login process to their Account Name - "Tim Booth" - and this can be used to say find only records that belong to that account. When you login, it may be set to "Snozzles" and then could be used so you only find records belonging to you. But the value for me is separate and different to yours, as is the field itself. No table locking on that field...
  4. webko's post in Performance tuning when working with huge data sets was marked as the answer   
    Next question - do they really need all 375 tables for an on-the-go version?
    And you would need 375 scripts (or script steps) for the import process - re-using the same script doesn't work, as you have found out... Tedious to set up, but should only need to be done once. I'd start with 10 of the most used tables and test that before expanding to all tables.
  5. webko's post in Hyperlink in the table view of records in php was marked as the answer   
    If that field is on the layout, then something like:
    <a href="<?php echo $record->getField('FieldX')?>"><?php echo nl2br(str_replace(' ', '&nbsp; ', $record->getField('NT', 0) ))?></a> Should do the trick (assuming it's a full or relative hyperlink) - might need the , 0 bit as well?
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