Hi everyone,
we use FMGo 16, a FM Server 14 and FMPA 15
Syncing works fine except that in new records the two auto enter mod fields (created by, changed by) are set to the "local" user of the iPad
Means USER1 creates on IPAD1 a record and after USER2 syncs the new records to IPAD2 the value for all MOD Fields show that USER2 created the record and changed it.
I have not included the "modified by" field in the sync layout. (Thought I read somewhere I shouldn't do this ...)
The mod fields have the settings "Do not change Value when entered", "Check Values only when entered", "User is allowed to disable check of data when entered"
(Please excuse if the settings are named a little bit different, I use a german Version and translated them ...)
My first idea was now to change the settings of the fields, but before I start testing around I thought to ask here ..
Kind regards from Germany