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  1. Hi The Field is formatted as: currency, fixed numbers of decimal values 3, seperator for thousand "." Because these are petrol prices they have 3 decimal values ...(1,419 €/liter)
  2. Hi, I am migrating one by one my db's to Mirrorsync 6. With one db I have a strange problem with the number seperators decimal "," and thousand "." (like "1.234,56EUR) A number value like "1,419" is after the sync 1.419,000 This happens when opening the local / remote file on FMgo or FMProADV on OSX When opening the files directly on these devices from the server this does not occur ! Any help or hints are welcome 🙂 Kind regards from Germany Carsten
  3. Thx a lot, it worked. What confuses me right now a bit, is that the SQL sync now uses the data api and I don't know if the usage will be a higher than our limit is there ...
  4. Hi, when upgrading vom Mirrorsync 5.x to 6.03 the installation failed. This was on a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, FMS 17 When I try to start the 360Works Admin Console on the server the Error as in Image 2 occurs. (I think this is just because the installation did not work.) Does anybody have a tipp for me ? Kind regards Carsten
  5. Hi Joshua, I am using sometimes the script step „Set Field by name“ to use one script for all tables, so just renaming the fields is possible but not a „nobrainer“. In all other scripts with sql queries the leading underline is not a problem so I will just stop using SQL in Mirrorsync. Carsten
  6. Hi Joshua, do you have any good news for me about the leading underline "_" in a sql query ?
  7. Hi Joshua, just as an additional information from me ... In Filemaker with executeSQL I know it works like this "SELECT a.\"_kp_field-a\" FROM \"Table\" a WHERE a.\"_field-b\" = ? AND a.\"field-c\" = ? ....
  8. Hi everybody, I started to use sql in mirrorsync but I have problems with one field name that starts with "_" Example Where '_user_created' = '{MIRRORSYNC_USERNAME}' There are no more error message when using a apostrophe ' but I get no values then ... I think this is a very basic problem and hope somebody has a tip Kind regards Carsten
  9. I think this is a "normal" cross table so it shouldn't be a problem ... . Just two short questions .. ? Do all necessary tables have sync layouts and they are included in the sync ? Do you use a customization script ?
  10. I think I had a very basic misunderstanding problem here ... I thought that mirrorsync does somehow do it's own filtering based on the relationships which are set ... . ("only filter modification records that are connected to an information record") All other tables in my database are filtered in the customization script based on the username, that is why that never was a problem before. I added a non stored and non synced formula field to filter the "modification" table now and it works ! (A sync with no changes at all takes now 6 seconds) Is there a faster / better solution for this perhaps ?
  11. Hi everyone, I am filtering the tables "projects" and "information" user based with XML in the customization script and this works fine. The table "modifikation" is not filtered in the customization script at all. (Please see attached relationship from the mirrorsync 4 client) My problem is that all records from "modifikation" are synced now, even if the related record from "information" is not on the device ... Because of my settings in the mirrorsync client I expected that only records are synced that are related to the found set of "information" . I am thankful for any idea :-) Kind regards Carsten
  12. Hi Junior With the very fast help of the support at 360Works this problem was easily solved - THX to this ! It was my, as we say in german, "tomatoes on the eyes" problem. The old script steps were inserted in the wrong section of the new customization script :-( ("Willsync" instead of "Findchanges") Just to let you know that the problem was solved and if anyone else also has "tomatoes on his eyes" in future ;-) Thanks a lot Carsten
  13. Our problem: Mirrorsync 4.0 is not filtering any records with the script steps in the customization script. All data is synced ... . We used the xml setting in the configuration utility and "Constrain found set" in the mirrorsync customization script. The same filter worked fine in Mirrorsync 3.17 We installed the sync completely new in the database when we moved to Version 4 and copied the script steps into the new customization script.
  14. Yes ... in addition to this very complex answer :-) ... : I appreciate the new feature to distribute new versions in that way to the Users, but it would have been a "killer feature" if the existing data is imported in the new Version automatically! Has anyone an idea how to accomplish this ?
  15. Hi everyone, we use FMGo 16, a FM Server 14 and FMPA 15 Syncing works fine except that in new records the two auto enter mod fields (created by, changed by) are set to the "local" user of the iPad Means USER1 creates on IPAD1 a record and after USER2 syncs the new records to IPAD2 the value for all MOD Fields show that USER2 created the record and changed it. I have not included the "modified by" field in the sync layout. (Thought I read somewhere I shouldn't do this ...) The mod fields have the settings "Do not change Value when entered", "Check Values only when entered", "User is allowed to disable check of data when entered" (Please excuse if the settings are named a little bit different, I use a german Version and translated them ...) My first idea was now to change the settings of the fields, but before I start testing around I thought to ask here .. Kind regards from Germany Carsten
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