I just like to have your opinion regarding on the problem I have met in using EasySync.
Problem: One Time Pull only
Sync FileMaker_Mobile in FileMaker_Server (Deployed in AWS) - 1st time successful sync
Add or update records in FileMaker_Server
Sync FileMaker_Mobile again, cannot get records in FileMaker_Server - Unsuccessful sync when pulling data
Add records in FileMaker_Mobile, successful sync in FileMaker_Server - Successful sync when pushing data
Then when I delete the FileMaker_Mobile and copy the original solution again, it syncs again properly, on the second time it wont retrieve records from the server. However if you have updated or added a record on the local version and syncs it again, the added record on the local is stored in the server. Do you have some idea what might cause the problem or maybe you could point me in the right direction. Thank you for your help.