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After reading previous posts, I thought I had the answer, but apparently not. I am trying to email a report, and I keep getting the 800 error, cannot save to this disc. Here is my situation in the script: Find Records Go to Layout 'Report' Sort Records Set Variable [$FilePath; Value: Get ( FilePath )] Set Variable [$FileName; Value "Your Report"] Save Records as PDF [Restore; No dialog; "$FileName"; Records being browsed] Send Mail [send vis E-mail client; No dialog; to: "Name@aol.com"; Subject: "Your Report from " & Table::RequestByName; Message: "This is your report."; "$FileName] At the Save Records point is where I get the 800 error. For specify output file I had: filemac:$FilePath/$Filename What am I not doing correctly? Thanks for the help.
Why do photos come into container upside down?
Pat replied to Pat's topic in Remote Container Fields
Okay, here is more info. It is a new file, single-user file. Photos are from a digital camera. Photos have just been downloaded to my hard drive, nothing else has been done to them. When I open them in iPhoto (just to look, not alter), they are oriented correctly. I was inserting them directly, not referencing, coming from my hard drive on the iMac. It makes no sense to me, hence my coming here for smarter people than I on these matters! -
Why do photos come into container upside down?
Pat replied to Pat's topic in Remote Container Fields
These are what downloaded from the camera. When you highlight the picture in the finder window, the thumbnail looks fine and right side up. I know it has happened to me before when I went to upload a picture to facebook, only I think it came out sideways on that occasion. I thought maybe it was peculiar to Canon cameras. -
I'm testing a file I'm building where I have a button to import a picture into a field. On one hand, it works. That is, a picture ends up in the field. However, it is upside down. The photo was taken with a Canon camera. I also have a script to import a screenshot into a field, and that works without inverting. Both are in jpg format. Does anyone know why this happens? And, how to fix it? Thank you.
Hi, Stephan! Thanks for this file! I'm am trying it out and having a problem with the text not word-wrapping correctly. It just chops in the weirdest places. I am also trying to blend in a merge-letter feature from Ray Cologon, so that may be a part of the issue. Still looking into that, but wondered if you had heard of this problem from anyone else? Thanks! Pat
Error message on field entry in dialog box
Pat replied to Pat's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
User Interface: LAYOUTS: --Report Viewer: btn__PRINT/VIEW_WeeklyMonthlyInvoice # #============================================== # Purpose: Print or view the week's invoices # Parameters: week; month; three # --------------------------- # $one = (enum) load, unload # $two = (string) second parameter # $three = (num) expected # --------------------------- # Called by: (script) any # Author: # History: Last change: # Notes: none #============================================== # Set Error Capture [ On ] Set Variable [ $LayoutName; Value:Get ( LayoutName ) ] Set Variable [ $ObjectName; Value:"tab.business" ] Set Variable [ $ScriptParameter; Value:Get ( ScriptParameter ) ] # Show Custom Dialog [ Title: "Alert!"; Message: "Please enter the start date for the " & $Scriptparameter & " and the end date for the " & $ScriptParameter & "."; Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes”; Input #1: DB » Globals:: REPORT_WEEK_START, "Week start date"; Input #2: DB » Globals::REPORT_WEEK_END, "Week end date" ] # Freeze Window Go to Layout [ “InvoiceList” (Invoice LAYOUT » Invoice) ] Enter Find Mode [ ] Set Field [ Invoice LAYOUT » Invoice::saleDate; DB » Globals::REPORT_WEEK_START & "..." & DB » Globals::REPORT_WEEK_END ] Perform Find [ ] # If [ Get ( LastError ) = 401 ] Show Custom Dialog [ Title: "Alert!"; Message: "There are no invoices for the " & $ScriptParameter & " chosen."; Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes” ] Go to Layout [ $LayoutName ] Go to Object [ Object Name: $ObjectName ] Enter Browse Mode Perform Script [ “SizeWindowStatus” ] Exit Script [ ] End If # Enter Browse Mode May 15, 2013 12:30:07 PMM V6.fmp12 - btn__PRINT/VIEW_WeeklyMonthlyInvoice -1- -
Error message on field entry in dialog box
Pat replied to Pat's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
Thanks for responding. No, no script trigger. -
Error message on field entry in dialog box
Pat replied to Pat's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
Thank you for responding. No, it is not a calculation field, just a simple global date field. -
I'm bumfuzzled. I have a script with a show dialogue box utilizing the data input fields. Whether anything is entered, or if the fields are left blank, once you click the OK button, I get an error message that 'this action cannot be performed because these fields are not modifiable.' I have the set error capture script step on in the script. I've checked my security setting on these fields and they are modifiable. (They are global fields.) I've checked the fields directly on the layout, and they are modifiable. I've tried it with the admin level, still get the same message. Any ideas what is going on here? Thanks for any help.
Hello! I know how to encrypt text data. I was wondering if there was a way to encrypt pictures? The pictures are of people and identifies are to be protected. So, either I encrypt them, or omit the picture as far as I know, correct? Thank you. Pat
I have a letter merge file that comes with a few letter templates already completed that I don't want the user to be able to modify. They are free to create any other letter templates they desire. I just don't want them changing the ones I created. I know I can prevent deletion of the record by calculation. I know I can change access to a field to view only, or no access. Is there any way to restrict modifications of a field based on a calculation (eg if permanence = 1, they can modify)? Thanks for any suggestions! My apologies, I think I have figured out the answer to my dilemma!
For some reason, filtered lists give me more trouble that just about anything. And they appear to be such a basic thing that I am frustrated that it eludes me. The technet manual hasn't done anything to clarify it so I turn for help to you guys/gals. Here is my problem. I have a product table, products have a category(either A or B in a field called productCategory. On my invoice entry layout (based on the Invoice table), I have a portal showing the invoice line items (based on the InvoiceLineItem table; relationship is Invoice :: InvoiceLineItems based on Invoice ID). I would like to have the productID field display only products based on a category, for example, only A products. This way, they don't have to look at the full list of products. Then, if they want to select from B products, they could select from only B products. What is the simplest way to do this? I have tried many things, many different relationships in the value list window, until I'm practically cross-eyed. Did I mention that I am not getting something very fundamental about this? Arghh! Thank you for any assistance!
Sorry if not the correct area for this, as it does not involve remote fields, but does involve container fields. I am converting an FMP11 solution to FMP12. I have a repeating field (container) that I scripted the ability to put up to 3 pictures, as defined by a lookup based on the id. The pictures reside in a separate file. Works fine in 11. Converted to 12, and sometimes the picture shows up, sometimes I get a 'counter-clockwise arrow' showing up. Pictures are all small (thumbnail) jpegs, nothing large. Any ideas on what is happening? Thanks for any assistance.
Where I am confused is that the book says that the opaque field is directly on top of a field formatted as a drop-down list. So how would it click in the "other" field if it is directly on top of it? Thanks for responding.
This is probably going to end up being embarassingly simple, but for now it escapes me! In reading the FTS 11 book, p. 4-29, it comments how with drop-down lists, using the show-second-field only option, that after the selection, the original value (usually a keyfield) is the one that shows. It suggests using an non-enterable opaque related field that contains the values displayed as the second field in the value list. Users clicking on this field would activate the hidden field formatted as a drop-down list, make selection, and after exiting, see the data in the second field rather than the stored key itself. My question is, how to do this? How does clicking in one field activate the other? Tried a ST and that wasn't successful. Since the field is non-enterable, I'm not sure any of the ST options apply, actually. Thanks for any assistance.
Well, quasi-success! A problem that has now occurred is for entries that have a decimal number in front: 0.1 ML for example. I had broken down your calc to better understand it, by creating a firstWord field and an N field. For regular numbers, N is 3 from firstWord. For the decimal number in firstWord, N is 1. So for all the other entries, I have successfully pulled out the drug name, but not for quantity entries with a decimal. And to further complicate the issue, some drug names come with a numerical designation, for example 4-aminobenzoate. The four is not a quantity, it is a position of a chemical moiety in the compound. So now I need to figure out a way around this issue as well. Lee, each entry is one field with no separators. The source is RxTerms from the NIM, and comes with pipes which I used to separate each field, and thus have this field with "quantitiy drug name strength" in one field as it was included between pipes this way. For my purposes, I want one field to be just name and strength, stripping off the quantity, and then ultimately, I want a field with just name. I am successful for all the entries without leading quantities, quantities keep tripping me up. Thanks for all you efforts! I do appreciate it.
Sorry. Entries can be either: 1st number : unit : drug : 2nd number : unit quantity( = 1st number + unit) : drug name : drug strength( = 2nd number + unit) or 500 MG Valium 2 MG 2000000 UNT Vaccine 2 UNT/ML drug : 1st number : unit drug name : drug strength( = 1st number + unit) Valium 2 MG Vaccine 2 UNT/ML I refer to 1st and 2nd numbers to represent when a number is encountered in the field. Some entries will have the two numbers, most others not. I want to get all entries into the form of the second entry: drug name : drug strength I am not as interested in the quantity provided of the (drug name drug strength) as I am in the actual (drug name drug strength).
That's the problem, although more entries do not have leading quantities than those that do. I want to remove the leading quantities to get down to the root part of the field. The quantities can be of different units, ie MG, ML, UNT, etc. That's why I thought if I could detect a number is the first position, that would be the simplest. Everything starts with a letter if it doesn't have a quantity leading it. All will have numbers and units at the end of the entry (drug name and then strength). Tried your idea, and not successful yet. Thanks for responding.
I am trying to figure out a way to separate out a number/modifier from the beginning of a field entry. For example in these two entries: 25 MG Valium 2 MG Niacin 25 MG I want to separate the leading '25 MG' from the Valium entry into a new field called Quantity. I tried this: Position ( drugfield ; " MG " ; 1 ; 1 ) ≤ 10 and PatternCount ( drugfield ; " MG " ) = 1 ; LeftWords ( drugfield ; 2 ); only to realize it picked up Niacin in the second record. Some quantities can have long numbers, eg 2000000 UNT so it is very variable. Is there a way to test if the first position is a number? Other ideas? Thanks for any assistance.
Woo Hoo! Figured it out, although I can't explain it. I was using a UUID for the ID number, so I switched it to the more 'normal' looking ID (eg ITM001) and it works. Any ideas as to why the UUID would do that? Thanks for your help. Pat
Hey, Vaughn! Interesting conumdrum. I created a test file, replicating what I had done from the example, and of course, now it works. So I will spend some time going over my solution to see what was different, if anything. I will let you know if I detect the problem. Thanks.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, it still does it.
I have a portal where I'm using an ID field and want it to show a name, not the ID number. I used the value list, selected the popup menu option, defined the id as its name, used the 'show second value.' All the relationships are in place for this to happen. When in browse mode, clicking on the field shows the name list but the name does not persist. If you go to another layout and come back, there is the id showing, not the name. What is really puzzling is I am duplicating an example, and I swear that I followed it exactly. The example persists; mine does not. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I am trying to build a reminder feature that could include a 'time' of an event. I would like to be able to script a find whereby the event time field could be searched for the current time plus 15 minutes, and this script would be timed to run several times during the day, hopefully catching any scheduled event within 15 minutes of when the script runs. I know there is the // symbol for searching current date, is there a symbol for current time? Otherwise, how would anyone suggest this could be done? Thanks!