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Doug Moskowitz

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  1. We do extensive CWP using XML. Have been for a few years. It requires a solid understanding of the browser environment, including scripting languages such as JavaScript or VBScript. This is not for casual HTML users as Lasso allows for, it is more like real software development requiring an understanding of the browser environment, its document object model, and the XML document object model. If those are new concepts to you, there will be a learning curve. In our case, the learning curve was well worth it.
  2. From within your Filemaker, do an "Export Records", and select "XML Files (*xml)" as the "Save as type". Enter a file name and save it. Now click "Ok" in the "Specify XML and XSLT Options", and move the field(s) you wish to update in Field Order space, and complete the Export. This will create a file you can use a template for creating XML import files that are used in Import script steps with the "matching names" option selected. Hope that helps.
  3. Sorry I missed your reply. Still need help?
  4. Are you using FMPXMLRESULT grammar? If so, try the fmresultset grammar. There is a bug in the FMPXMLRESULT grammar which causes the behavior you describe. You can overcome the bug by setting the option (in the relationship) that allows for the creation of records in the relationship, or on your layouts, express the related fields as calculation fields instead, i.e. create calculation NEW FIELD fields that are is your TABLE::FIELD, and put NEWFIELD on your layout.
  5. I regularly call javascript & vbscript from FM and write the results to a FileMaker field. To do this, I use a FM plug-in called MVAnything (www.mallverkstan.com/mvanything) which calls Windows scripting host, executes your script , and returns the result. You can even send parameters to the script. Syntax looks like this: set field[my_result] = external["MVAnything-DoWshScript", "myscript.js|param1|param2"] Your scripts are stored in the FM System directory. If you are using FM7, you need to create the System directory. Been using it for a over a year, and now couldn't live without it. They have a trial version online with examples.
  6. I have a trick that works! I dynamically build an XML file that includes the field name(s) and value(s) to be set, as well as the recordID of the record to be updated. Then I call a script that imports the XML. Works every time, and I depend on it. If you are comfortable with FileMaker's XML capabilities and if you have a plug-in that will write a text file (i.e. Troi File), this will be a snap for you! If not, the means (learning curve) may not justify the end.
  7. I have a trick that works! I dynamically build an XML file that includes the field name(s) and value(s) to be set, as well as the recordID of the record to be updated. Then I call a script that imports the XML. Works every time, and I depend on it. If you are comfortable with FileMaker's XML capabilities and if you have a plug-in that will write a text file (i.e. Troi File), this will be a snap for you! If not, the means (learning curve) may not justify the end.
  8. I have a trick that works! I dynamically build an XML file that includes the field name(s) and value(s) to be set, as well as the recordID of the record to be updated. Then I call a script that imports the XML. Works every time, and I depend on it. If you are comfortable with FileMaker's XML capabilities and if you have a plug-in that will write a text file (i.e. Troi File), this will be a snap for you! If not, the means (learning curve) may not justify the end.
  9. Try MVAnthing http://www.mallverkstan.com/filemaker/mvanything.htm I use it extensively.
  10. Try MVAnthing http://www.mallverkstan.com/filemaker/mvanything.htm I use it extensively.
  11. Try MVAnthing http://www.mallverkstan.com/filemaker/mvanything.htm I use it extensively.
  12. Still need a solution?
  13. Still need a solution?
  14. Still need a solution?
  15. Here is a response you are probably not looking for... I do a lot of Filemaker stuff with ASP, but I do not use ADODB (which I realize is a standard approach with most other databases) because theFM ODBC connection a tortoise. If you have any appetite for XML, I beleve it is highly superior way to talk to FM via ASP or any other web framework, but you have get through some pretty serious learning, and there doesn't seem to be support out there in this area. I would only suggest that you consider using FM XML with ASP if you are going to be doing lots of web development...otherwise the learning curve doesn't pay off. Having given you that worthless advice, have you you tried the trick with fields that do not have spaces? And have you tried the request from inside an Excel spreadsheet where it would be a lot easier testing the ODBC/SQL reqests? i.e., ASP can be a bear to test because of the limited value of error messages.
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