I'm looking for a solution to run a script via FMP Server Advanced.
Scenario: From the web a user accesses a site using fx.php and connected to FMP DB via FMP 7 SA. Data can be sent and received fine, however, data needs to be exported from FMP into a batch file and run against another system. In FMP 6 Unlimited this was no problem because a FMP client was actually running behind the web. I know FMP 7 SA cannot directly export a file, but has anyone come up with a solution that would trigger a script on a FMP client running with FMP 7 SA? Plain terms a user submits data to FMP 7 SA and that data is entered into the DB, then a script is triggered on a remote FMP 7 Client that can then do the export of data since it is a running clinet. I've tried Events 4.0, WebTTrigger, and Activator plugins, but none of them seem to function in FMP 7 SA then onto the client.
Thank you for any insight!!!!