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Jeff Gumbel

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  1. I'm trying to get a value list to display vertical on IWP for each of the value. It works fine on FMP Client, then when rendered on the web the values are all there, however, the are all bunched and wrapped. Any ideas on getting them to diplay vertically like: value 1 value 2 value 3 Not value 1 value 2, value 3 Thanks!
  2. GREAT! that worked. I added the commit script step after the duplicate record and it works fine. So simple... Thank you!
  3. No, in the same window. I create a new record, and do a commit, then try to duplicate. No secondary window. I also try from the route of searching a record out, and then in browse try to duplicate and this error occurs.
  4. I've created a simple button in IWP that runs the duplicate record script, however, when this is done on IWP I receive a message "No Record Found" and I have to completely exist the browser to do anything else. I tried making a script with Go to Record, then Duplicate script and the same error occurs. Clicking on the same button on the FMP client works perfect. Any ideas on why this is occuring?
  5. I have not tired your example yet, but we are not using xslt to create the xml query. The XML that we are using simply to create and push a value to a new record is: http://<<Serveraddress>>/fmi...;VALUE&-new This creates a new record without any problem, but no lookups or other items that intereact with a referenced FMP DB seem to pull over. Lookups and other items do work on tables that are in the main FMP DB
  6. This is yet another issue with using FMP7 Adv and Custom Web Publishing. Scenario: I have two DB
  7. The way we perform regular timed scripts, not those triggered by users via the web in my prior post, is to do it with a FMP client. This holds true for both FMP6 & 7. Setup: 1) FMPServer 6 or 7 in place hosting files 2) FMP 6 or 7 client installed on the same computer as FMPServer or on another computer. 3) Install a plugin like Events or others that you can set a regular time for a script to be triggered. 4) On the FMP Client open the shared FMP DB remotely from FMPServer, don't try to open the file direct from FMPServer beacuse it is already being hosted by FMPS. 5) The plugin should then run the script for that FMP DB on the FMP Client at the scheduled times. You will have to set times, script names, etc. If you were doing a scheduled import then the files would import on that FMP Client and sent back to FMPServer, where all the newly imported data will be available to all FMP Clients with access to FMPS and that DB.
  8. My viewpoint on FMP6 to FMP7 comes from the fact that I
  9. Claus, Yes, the only way I know of to export any data is with a client as well. We have thought about running a script on a schedule, and may have to go that route. The mein issue comes from our system. We have new users creating their accounts and it is best if these exports happen as soon as the account is created so they can access other systems. ODBC won't work in this case because the external systems API are based on batch file run. This is something I would have thought FMP would have considered when moving FMP6U web into FMP 7 SA. Much more limiting than FMP6 on the custom web side.
  10. I'm looking for a solution to run a script via FMP Server Advanced. Scenario: From the web a user accesses a site using fx.php and connected to FMP DB via FMP 7 SA. Data can be sent and received fine, however, data needs to be exported from FMP into a batch file and run against another system. In FMP 6 Unlimited this was no problem because a FMP client was actually running behind the web. I know FMP 7 SA cannot directly export a file, but has anyone come up with a solution that would trigger a script on a FMP client running with FMP 7 SA? Plain terms a user submits data to FMP 7 SA and that data is entered into the DB, then a script is triggered on a remote FMP 7 Client that can then do the export of data since it is a running clinet. I've tried Events 4.0, WebTTrigger, and Activator plugins, but none of them seem to function in FMP 7 SA then onto the client. Thank you for any insight!!!!
  11. Windows Server 2003 environment, using authentication against Active Directory, everything works fine. The question/issue: We can authenticate domain users (DomainA) to FMP Server 7 in the domain the FMP Server is installed, however, users in (DomainB) do not seem to be working. Both domains are in the Active Directory trusted forest. Admin users from one domain can log into the other. FMP Server however only seems to be authenticating against the one. Thank you for any thoughts!
  12. I'm using IWP and have the status area hidden. I have created a button to commit the new record. The issue is that when using the button no field validation is done, actually it is done because no record is created but no message appears to note to the user why the record was not created. Note: I do NOT have
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