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  1. After moving to Windows server I can't Authenticate with Display Name (First name Lastname) I have to use the User logon name. I have a lot of places where I use Get ( AccountName ) in my solution. I could map the name but prefer changing login. Is it possible to use the Display Name on windows server to login with? Regards Frank
  2. Perfekt, thanks
  3. Hi How can i filter a txt from this "2100-619903.psd" to this "619903". It should always remove the .psd and all the characters until "-" if there are a "2100-" there could also be txt without "2100-". The 4 numbers before the "-" could be all kind of characters, and there could be "-" in other places 2100-619903-8.psd Regards Frank
  4. I have found out how it shall be: tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6" activate set filestart to "billeder:1000:1000-italy.psd" as string set fileend to "ftp:Art:Inger:150dpi" as string open file filestart set openimg to current document tell openimg resize image resolution 150.0 resample method bicubic end tell set myOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:false, save spot colors:true, save alpha channels:false, save annotations:false, save layers:true} save openimg in fileend as Photoshop format with options myOptions appending no extension without copying close openimg saving no end tell
  5. When running this applescript from filemaker i get these errors: Expected end of line but found identifier., Unknown Error: -2741. The calculated applescript looks like this: "tell application "Finder"¶ set filestart to "" & $path & "" as string¶ set fileend to ""& $ftp & "" as string¶end tell¶tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"¶ open file filestart showing dialogs never¶ set myOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:false, save spot colors:false, save alpha channels:false, save annotations:false, save layers:false}¶ set openimg to current document¶ resize image openimg resolution 150.0 resample method bicubic¶ set myOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:false, save spot colors:true, save alpha channels:false, save annotations:false, save layers:true}¶ save current document in file fileend as Photoshop format with options myOptions appending no extension without copying¶ close openimg saving no¶end tell" When running the script to a field with the $path and $ftp it looks like this: tell application "Finder" set filestart to "billeder:1000:1000-italy.psd" as string set fileend to "ftp:Art:Inger:150dpi" as string end tell tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6" open file filestart showing dialogs never set myOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:false, save spot colors:false, save alpha channels:false, save annotations:false, save layers:false} set openimg to current document resize image openimg resolution 150.0 resample method bicubic set myOptions to {class:Photoshop save options, embed color profile:false, save spot colors:true, save alpha channels:false, save annotations:false, save layers:true} save current document in file fileend as Photoshop format with options myOptions appending no extension without copying close openimg saving no end tell If i copy the above text to the applescript tool, and compile, it works fine. I have also tried to replace the : with /, but no effect. Is there anyone who, can see what i'm doing wrong?
  6. Thanks for the reply, i just don't know how it can be done?
  7. I have a record with several portals, is there a way to prevent editing of all the portal rows, if a field in the record is set to locked?
  8. Perfect, :thankyou:
  9. Hi Is there a way to get only the filenames, from a file path in a field in filemaker ? The paths looks like this: Macintosh HD:Users:paul:Desktop:files_web:1801-4i.pdf Macintosh HD:Users:paul:Desktop:files_web:newimage12654.pdf I need only the filenames like this: 1801-4i.pdf newimage12654.pdf The file names may vary.
  10. I have to replace all the the text in the field. Sometimes the data will look like this: Text1(return) Text2(return) Text3 or this: Text1(return) Text2 or this: Text1 And there can be even more returns in the field. Only when there is one or more returns, the whole text in the field must to be replaced by "newtext". bens
  11. I need a script to find and replace data in a field if it contains one ore more cariage returns. The field also contains different kind of text. How can this be done?
  12. Again thanks for the reply This part i don't understand "with lpr (print)" Why this part ?
  13. Thanks for the reply I will ask the troi people, how it can be made. I also wondered if there is a better way than 360 works for downloading files from the web with filemaker ? Now i have to share the same folder with the images on my lan and also in my dmz zone for the webusers. Maybe there is a tool who can pick up the images from the the lan side when they are wanted by the webusers for download.
  14. Does anybody know of a way/extension to create lowres pictures (72-100 dpi) out of highres pictures in filemaker. I have a few customers who download highres pictures from the web with 360 works,and now i have a customes who asks if he can get lowres pictures, for printing from the highres pictures. I have about 12000 pictures. It would be nice if the printing lowres is created automatically, and also deleted when the highres is deleted.
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