I'm trying to develop a document management system. My network scanner completes a batch and generates this xml file. (Because I know nothing about XML...) when importing this file to FMP it generates errors I don't know how to respond to. My need is so simple I'm wondering if there is an equally simple solution to this problem. (I acknowledge I need to learn XML, but I'm trying to keep it off my "drop everything - do this now" list).
From the batch folder I need to import the pdf (123.pdf) and place it in a container, store the path to the file, and also the barcode value (ie CCC3334445555) to their respective fields. Anything other data from the xml file is irrelevant to my needs.
Does someone have a moment to walk me through some of the issues I need to solve/learn?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>