I'm writing an applescript to automate copying data between two databases of different FM versions (11 & 12). I've run into a snag though, which is that I'm unable to determine through AS whether a given field is writable or not.
To clarify, I have written code (below) to check whether Filemaker reports the field as being writeable, but it seems that it will report that a calculation field (or cell) is writeable even if it isn't. The two cases I found where this is the case (so far) are if "prohibit modification during data entry" is set on the field, and if it's a calculation field.
Are there any workarounds for this?
--check cell can be written
on checkCellWritable(databaseName, tableName, cellName)
tell application id destID
using terms from application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database databaseName
tell table tableName
set theAccess to (access of cell cellName) as string
set theLock to (lock of cell cellName) as string
set theProtection to (protection of cell cellName) as string
end tell
end tell
end using terms from
end tell
on error theError
my write_error_log("checkWritable " & databaseName & space & tableName & space & cellName & space & theError)
return false
end try
set accessFlag to false
set lockFlag to false
set protectionFlag to false
set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "/"
set accessProperties to text items of theAccess
repeat with accessProperty in accessProperties
if (accessProperty as string) is "write" then set accessFlag to true
end repeat
set protectionProperties to text items of theProtection
repeat with protectionProperty in protectionProperties
if (protectionProperty as string) is "write" or (protectionProperty as string) is "formulas protected" then
set protectionFlag to true
end if
end repeat
if theLock is "unlocked" then set lockFlag to true
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
return (accessFlag and lockFlag and protectionFlag)
end checkCellWritable