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wintergreen last won the day on April 19 2011

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  1. Sigh. What a lot of waffle just to get to this: If(statement = "?"; ""; statement) put that in a custom function and wrap it around your executeSQL call.
  2. I can't even do a fresh install of FMS12 in 10.8.1 does anyone know of a workaround? EDIT: Looks like it's a corrupt file. Had to delete ~/Library/Cookies/Cookes.binarycookies
  3. Never mind. Looks like it was a validation error triggered by a corrupt index. /sigh.
  4. I'm getting a generic error 729 when importing from a file. It seems that (with FMPA 11 at least) FileMaker no longer generates an import.log file with details of the error. Is there any way to find out what failed?
  5. I'm writing an applescript to automate copying data between two databases of different FM versions (11 & 12). I've run into a snag though, which is that I'm unable to determine through AS whether a given field is writable or not. To clarify, I have written code (below) to check whether Filemaker reports the field as being writeable, but it seems that it will report that a calculation field (or cell) is writeable even if it isn't. The two cases I found where this is the case (so far) are if "prohibit modification during data entry" is set on the field, and if it's a calculation field. Are there any workarounds for this? --check cell can be written on checkCellWritable(databaseName, tableName, cellName) try tell application id destID using terms from application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" tell database databaseName tell table tableName set theAccess to (access of cell cellName) as string set theLock to (lock of cell cellName) as string set theProtection to (protection of cell cellName) as string end tell end tell end using terms from end tell on error theError my write_error_log("checkWritable " & databaseName & space & tableName & space & cellName & space & theError) return false end try set accessFlag to false set lockFlag to false set protectionFlag to false set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "/" set accessProperties to text items of theAccess repeat with accessProperty in accessProperties if (accessProperty as string) is "write" then set accessFlag to true end repeat set protectionProperties to text items of theProtection repeat with protectionProperty in protectionProperties if (protectionProperty as string) is "write" or (protectionProperty as string) is "formulas protected" then set protectionFlag to true end if end repeat if theLock is "unlocked" then set lockFlag to true set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs return (accessFlag and lockFlag and protectionFlag) end checkCellWritable
  6. As I feared then. Well that kind of sucks.
  7. I have a solution that allows the end user to upgrade their own database. Basically I send them the new file, they run it, and it pulls in the old data. With FM12, I suspect that this workflow may no longer work. Is it still possible, with FM12, to import data stored in an FP7 file (i.e. via script)?
  8. Not sure if this is possible, but is there a way to trigger a script when the "quick find" feature is used? For example, if a user types something into quickfind, can I switch layouts?
  9. Here's a scriptmaster function I'm using to transform an XML file with supplied XSLT (as a string). This maybe useful for anyone needing to generate an XSL transform inside filemaker (as I am currently doing). Hope someone finds it useful! XSLTransform ( pathToXMLFile ; xslt ) import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource if( pathToXMLFile == null ) throw new Exception("You must supply a pathToXMLFile parameter"); def factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance() def transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xslt))) Writer outWriter = new StringWriter(); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new File( pathToXMLFile )), new StreamResult(outWriter)) return outWriter
  10. Hi there Just been playing around with the Video Thumbnail module. A couple of questions: Is it compatible with both OS 10.5 (which comes with QT7) and 10.7 (which only comes with QTX)? It depends upon the timeUnit parameter, which I presume is the number of seconds multiplied by the file's timescale. But is there a way to get the timescale of a file somehow? As always, thanks for this excellent plugin.
  11. Hi I'm curious as to whether it would be worth getting SMA in order to port some custom functions over as plugins. First of all, is there a performance improvement to compiling a scriptmaster plugin of a scriptmaster function (for example, the XPath function)? Secondly, if I were to take a typical filemaker custom function (such as Quicksort()), rewrite it in groovy and then compile that as a plugin, would that boost performance? Thanks
  12. Please note that the current version of the XPath function (as distributed with SM4) will break if you attempt to input xml with UTF-8 encoded characters and no header. You can force it to always accept UTF-8 by making the following change: InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( someXML.getBytes("utf-8"));
  13. My mistake, it seems the latest code for RunShellScript incorporates utf-8 after all
  14. It looks like the runshellscript function won't allow printing of utf-8 characters, just ascii ones. Am I correct? Is there any way around this?
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