Sorry my question wasn't more specific.
I was trying to create a code to put the item cost on the lower right corner of a barcode label. This would let my employees know the item cost without going to a PC to check the price just in case there was some bardering on the sale. I run a Gun Shop. I didn't want to make it to complicated, just not obviuosly simply like backwards, but not in code. Let me demostrate.
It need last 2 digits of the year purchased,
Item price inversed 25.99 becomes 9952, no decimal
purchased month in 2 digits.
Purchased date - 02/12/08
Item Cost - 25.99
Results = 08995202
I figured out the solution soon after posting this. This forum is awesome by the way.
I used the Inverse(text) & Reverse custom function in Brian's list in a Let function as a auto calculated field (costcode).
I am sure there is an easier or more effecent way to write this, but it does work 100%. I would be curious on the idea's you guys have.
My solution
now = Date Added ;
year = Right( Year ( now ) ; 2 ) ;
month = Right( "000" & Month ( now ) ; 2 ) ;
filter = Filter ( Item Cost ; "0123456789" ) ;
reverse = Reverse ( filter ) ;
itemcost = reverse ;
Cost Code = month & itemcost & year
Cost Code
Sorry for the slow reply and bad question. still a 2 month noob!. Thanks for all the input.