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  1. Tim -- localhost/fmeasyweb/
  2. Tim -- That file and complete app folder are installed. Any other thoughts? I am going to restart the server and see if that helps.
  3. Hi Tim, Thanks for making such awesome products and sharing them with the filemaker community. I installed FMEasyWeb and when trying to open I get this error in the php debugger. I changed the PHP Code folder name to fmeasyweb Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_get_iv_size() in /Library/FileMaker Server/HTTPServer/htdocs/fmeasyweb/core/encryption-load.php on line 46 Am I just missing that library or is it something else. Thanks, Brian
  4. I would like to know how to proceed when I get this error. java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null" I have everything setup correctly and have other accounts that work already with the plugin. Some advice would be greatly welcome. Thanks in advance
  5. We have been using the code for 10 years now. Now that we are using FM. I wanted Filemaker to auto calcutate it. We use it only in the store. I understand why (0123456789) wont work and I should use the *100 method. I wish I was smart like you in FM so I could belittle those that are reaching out to those with more experience. Oops did I say that out loud? Just kidding, I know you post a lot here and I do get many great ideas and help. By the way I can't do sudoki.
  6. Sorry my question wasn't more specific. I was trying to create a code to put the item cost on the lower right corner of a barcode label. This would let my employees know the item cost without going to a PC to check the price just in case there was some bardering on the sale. I run a Gun Shop. I didn't want to make it to complicated, just not obviuosly simply like backwards, but not in code. Let me demostrate. It need last 2 digits of the year purchased, Item price inversed 25.99 becomes 9952, no decimal purchased month in 2 digits. Example: Purchased date - 02/12/08 Item Cost - 25.99 Results = 08995202 I figured out the solution soon after posting this. This forum is awesome by the way. I used the Inverse(text) & Reverse custom function in Brian's list in a Let function as a auto calculated field (costcode). I am sure there is an easier or more effecent way to write this, but it does work 100%. I would be curious on the idea's you guys have. My solution Let( [ now = Date Added ; year = Right( Year ( now ) ; 2 ) ; month = Right( "000" & Month ( now ) ; 2 ) ; filter = Filter ( Item Cost ; "0123456789" ) ; reverse = Reverse ( filter ) ; itemcost = reverse ; Cost Code = month & itemcost & year ]; Cost Code ) Sorry for the slow reply and bad question. still a 2 month noob!. Thanks for all the input.
  7. I am hoping someone has a simple solution to this problem I have been working on for a while now. I am trying to create a Cost Code for our barcode labels that will show the item cost but not be so obvious to the customer. Ex: 08995205 08= year 9952= item cost of 25.99 05= month I can get the year and month right but the item cost to inverse aludes me. I'm trying to use the InverseText ( text )custom function in Brian Dunnings list of custom functions. Unfortunately when I add this custom function it has an error here InverseText ( text3 ) ) It needs an operation at the 1st parenthesis. Sample Input:InverseText ( "Goodmorning" ) Sample Output:gninromdooG Let ( [ text2 = Right ( text ; 1 ) ; text3 = Left ( text ; Length ( text ) - 1 ) ] ; text2 & If ( Length ( text3 ) ≥ 1 ; InverseText ( text3 ) ) ) If there is a better solution or can figure out the error in this function to inverse text I would be very greatful.
  8. This is my first post for this forum and hopefully can get some help with this. I have been searching the internet to find something like I am trying to do , but no luck so here is my post. I am trying to make End of Day report showing Sales per hour based on the hours of operation our store is open(9am-8pm) plus show # of sales taken by clerks per hour as well. Ex: 9-10am $100 Blake 12 Kim 16 Ron 4 10-11am $250 Blake 15 Kim 12 Ron 10 and so on. I have the following fields to work with: Sales_Order_Number Sales_Order_Total Sales_Order_Date Sales_Order_Time Clerk_Id Which way would be the best to produce this? Using a Case or If function? Maybe a sub summary? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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