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Blog-Synching w/DropBox demo

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Hello Forum.  I came across this blog post about synching with Dropbox.


I was hoping to obtain, or even purchase a sample file from the author but had no luck.  I commented on the blog post, saying things like 'well done' and 'thanks for sharing', but the comments were erased. 

Then I sent an email to the author about the availability of a sample file (either share/purchase) and never received a reply.

It appears to be an easy way to sych and perfect for my situation-one user on a desktop, who sometimes need the data on the road via an IOS device.  Seems much easier than any synching plug-ins, the expense of an actual server, and safer than using the Peer-to-peer network.

I just wonder if anyone has tried this, has any comments, or would be interested in producing a sample (for hire, pm me)?




Edited by Steve Martino
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