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multi sync configurations on one file

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Hey Jesse


So I have been playing with the new version and have discovered something that I do not see any documentation on. So I am curious if this is a good idea or not. It seems to be working very well but want your advice.

The new mirror synch appends the name to the 3 script that are created and this got me thinking that perhaps I can set up different sync configurations for my one file. So I duplicated the configuration in the admin tool, modified my synch setup to be a different from the original. Finished the steps of setting up the file. Than i created a second button on my layout and pointed to the second mirror sync script.

I reinstalled on my iPad using the link from the original configuration, and as expected both sync buttons worked doing the configuration they where setup to do. HOW COOL.

Is this a safe way of using the sync engine? Or am I jeopardizing something down the line? If this is okay this really opens up multiple sync configurations for users (i.e. a complete resync, a quick one way sync, ...oh the possibilities)

Nathan Schneider



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