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Need Condx Value List to show non-existent records

Rich S

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I know this is "out there", but I must be muffing the search criteria so my apologies for this being covered elsewhere.

I have two related files (by StudentID number), Application and Student Database. I've set up a global field in Student Database where a user clicks on its Menu-style value list to show the names of students in Application; what I want to do is show the names of students (from Application) who don't have an existing record in Student Database. That way, it'll reduce the thousands of records/names our clerks have to plow through to find only the ones that don't have a record in Student Database; after the name is selected, a script trigger will fire a script that, through a find, will import the student's data from Application to Student Database.

I've created another T.O. with the StudentID fields as keys, and have tried setting the join by "X" and "≠"--with no luck--but I may be botching it with the Value List set-up as Use values from field (a calculated field [stored], APPLICATION::Name_Last_First); I tried both Include all values and Include only related values starting from: Student Database ...no luck, either.

How should I set this up so it works?


TIA for your help!



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Not sure that's the best method in terms of user interface, but in any case, if you want to have a relationship to all the orphans in the Applications table, you can define an unstored calculation field (result is Text) in the Students table =

ValueListItems ( Get(FileName) ; "Students" )

where Students is a value list using values from Students::StudentID.

Then link this field to Applications 2::StudentID, using the ≠ relational operator.

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