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Calc combined list of two fields

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I am trying to pull data from a portal, for example I have Standard and Type fields.

I would like to pull that portal information into a text field that would show:




ASTM: 12345

ASTM: 34556

ASTM: 85858


ASTM: 12345, ASTM: 34556, ASTM: 85858


Any help would be greatttt! Thanks




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ASTM: 12345, ASTM: 34556, ASTM: 85858

The simplest way would probably be to define a calculation field in the child table =


and another calculation field in the parent table =

Substitute ( List ( Child::cCalcField ; ¶ ; ", " )

Result type should be Text in both.


Another option is to use the ExecuteSQL() function to get the two fields, then use Substitute to replace both the field and the record separators.


Or use a recursive custom function such as: http://www.briandunning.com/cf/309


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I have a similar calc that pulls data from 2 tables, but in this situation its both from the same table. I tried just changing the values, but I am pretty noob on SQL.


ExecuteSQL ( "   SELECT \"Standard\", M.\"Type\"   FROM Standards C   JOIN \"Standards\" M ON     M.\"__StandardID\" = C.\"__ComplianceID\"   WHERE \"_fkParentID\" = ?   ORDER BY \"Value\" DESC   " ; "% " ; ", " ; __ChassisID )

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I am at a disadvantage here, because (a) I don't know your field and table names, and (b) I have no way to test this. See if you can use this as your starting point:

ExecuteSQL( "SELECT Standard, Type FROM Standards WHERE fkParentID = ?" ; "-"; "," ; pkParentID )


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See if this works for you (untested):

ExecuteSQL ( "SELECT Standard, Type ¶
FROM Certifications INNER JOIN Standards  ¶ 
ON Certifications.\"_fkStandardsID\" = Standards.\"__StandardsID\" ¶
WHERE Certifications.\"_fkParentID\" = ?";
 "-"; "," ; 
__ParentID )


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