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Perpetual 'Establishing Database Connections...'

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I have been using MirrorSync for a while & all was going well. Today I made a few changes to the configuration on one of the files I am beta testing. After changes were made and scripts updated, I tried to sync. I received the spoke file showing a status of 'Waiting for a response from MirrorSync' and the server itself showing 'Establishing Database Connections'. These haven't stopped despite restarting the MirrorSync console and the entire computer where MirrorSync (and FMS) is installed. 

I have since reverted the changes I made bu there is still the same problem. What's really odd is that I have 2 configurations, only 1 was modified but now both are exhibiting the same problem!

Please can someone help!

Thank you


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An update:

I had a screen share with Tsiry, a developer at 360 yesterday and we tried uninstalling and re-installing MirrorSync. The same problem occurred. 

I have since tried many things, new configs, importing old working configs, re-installing again, restarting IIS, and many more to no avail.

I have worked out that if I go to http:/serveraddress/MirrorSync/sync it shows MirrorSync is working correctly - but when it uses the URL that is the same with added paramaters and session ID's, nothing is returned. 

What would cause the "<html><head><body><---RETRY---></body></head></html>" result from the above address?


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