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Problems Starting up Plastic

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I am demoing this product and if it works will buy it. I have an Authorize with ACH. I don't know whether the account is card present or not. Using FMP11 on Apple and Windows10.

The help file is very confusing, it says first step is to create a Gateway, and it also says a Gateway is not needed. 

Setting the Gateway

Before calling any function in Plastic, the first required step is to set the gateway required.

Please note that Authorize.Net is the default payment gateway, so there is no need to use CCSetGateway.

Note sure what to believe. I don't know what a Gateway is technically, but I notice hte CCSetGateway does not include any credentials so I don't see how it can establish anything. 

Set Variable [$gateway; Value:CCSetGateway("Authorize.Net"; "cardPresent=true")]

Again, I don't know whether I have a cardPresent, can you tell me how to find out?

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The CCSetGateway function tells the plug-in which gateway you plan to communicate with for all subsequent plug-in function calls that actually communicate with the payment gateway. The default gateway is Authorize.Net, which means that if your merchant account is with Authorize.Net, you do not need to call this function unless your account is card-present (retail). Since you are doing ACH transactions, I am pretty confident that you do not have to explicitly call CCSetGateway. 

If you run into issues, send us an e-mail describing the steps to reproduce your problem at [email protected].

Sterling Rouse


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