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on mac mini server, fielmaker server 14 java 8 I can not go to the last step of the install. I've put the table, the scripts and the layout. After there is always the java runtime error and I can not go further. Can you help me ?




Screenshot at Oct 23 20-20-20.png


I've tried another time (more than 10) and then it worked.

I had multiple error but been able to go.

at the end there is this strange error telling me ther eis no script but there is the MirrorSync script.

cf printscreen

what to do ?



Screenshot at Oct 23 21-25-36.png

Screenshot at Oct 23 21-36-21.png

Screenshot at Oct 23 21-36-43.png


Thanks for the log file. This is a change that happened in 3.1 that won't work in locales (like France) that do not use a '.' as their decimal separator. This should fix the problem:

http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/com.prosc.support.uploads/Outbound/360Works MirrorSync 3.1103.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIDQUCQL7APZLJCDA&Expires=1479919819&Signature=SQ%2BUWCAwuTISy7loMgeZgtjbqYw%3D


You shouldn't need to change anything in your FileMaker file. Just run the updater and then go through the configuration process. You can use all the same MirrorSync layouts and scripts that you already have.


Sorry for that but it seems it's blocked for 15 minutes (2 times) on this screen.

Need to wait more ?



Screenshot at Oct 24 20-27-37.png


I took a while and told me there is empty keys. I've corrected the rpoblem and it worked. Thanks for the support. I'm testing it now.




Hi Jesse,

I'm sorry to ask you agasin this things but... After finishing the install, I've downloaded the file with the web brother. Instead of reducing the size the file became 7.5 Go (4.7 normaly) and the zip file was not opening with a header problem. So I took the file directly in the database (closed the file before). But when I sync, then problem it goes through all the records and wanted to delete 1000 of them ! So I stopped the sync.
Don't know exactly where it's wrong or what to do else to fix it.

Kind regards.



first part of the post the file size, original one and the one generated via the link

Capture d’écran 2016-10-25 à 22.33.45.png

Screenshot 2016-10-25 22.32.55.png

error with the zip file downloaded

Screenshot 2016-10-25 22.42.50.png


These screenshots are helpful for me to understand what the problem is, but they are not useful for actually seeing why the problem is happening. For that, I need the server log file.

The server logs reset every night at midnight, so please run the sync that is failing, so that it is the last thing in the log. Then use the 'Send problem report' hyperlink on the MirrorSync launch page to send us the server log file.


I can but I can not use the downloaded file, I have to take it directly in the database. And I'm afaraid to delete some records. I have only limited the sync to one table to test it tonight.

Is it OK like that for you ?



Error from server: One of the fields in the result is 65,535 characters or longer. A bug in the FileMaker JDBC driver fails when trying to fetch a field this large. You can fix the problem by finding the value and shrinking it, removing the large column from the sync, or switching from JDBC to XML in the MirrorSync configuration. We don't know which column caused the error, but the table being fetched is 'Sync_Proprietaire' and the list of columns being fetched is: [adresse proprietaire, Affichage_boiteDialogue_DisplayMobile1, Affichage_boiteDialogue_DisplayMobile2, Affichage_Historique_Facture, alarme doublon, Animal_Non_DCD, archive courrier, Cabinet secondaire ?, Client_garde_VetoTraitant, code postal proprietaire, commentaire associé au client, commentaires pour antoine, Conception date de création de la fiche, Conception heure de création de la fiche, conception ID unique de la fiche propriétaire, Conception lien pour facture en rappel 1, Conception lien pour facture en rappel 2, Conception nom du créateur, Conception nom ordinateur de création, date d'échéance rappel téléphonique, date de la dernière consultation, date de la dernière facture, date de paiement de la facture, date rappel téléphonique, découpe entrée texte, email proprietaire, email proprietaire 2, email proprietaire 3, En tête impression page de garde facture, fax proprietaire, historique total patient, image2_titre, image3_titre, image4_titre, image_titre, Intitulé propriétaire si urgence, nom proprietaire, nom proprietaire 2, nombre de consultations de l'année en cours, nombre de consultations de l'année précédente, nombre de factures de l'année en cours, nombre de factures de l'année précédente, Pourcentage_Acte, Pourcentage_Medicament, prenom proprietaire, prenom proprietaire 2, profession proprietaire, Rappel date, Référant, Référant_Description, SMS_Result, Solde de la facture, Solde deuxièm

log sent


Do you have a specific question? The problem and the solutions are explained in the error message. This is a limitation of the FileMaker JDBC driver.


Does it also explain the file size error, and zip error ? and synchronisations who wants to dleete 1000 records ? I mean does it explain everything ?

And do oyu know if xml won't reproduce this error for sure ?





The error that you're getting is a known bug in the FileMaker JDBC driver, which I have reported to FileMaker. It definitely will not happen with XML.

Regarding the deletions, it looks like all the records in the spoke were recently modified, and do not match up to records in FileMaker Server, so they are deleted. I notice that you're using a strange system for your primary keys, like this: "4-2-153615524404-7552329-15654-051564442815878". I would recommend using the Get(UUID) function built into FileMaker.

The log file for some reason only starts at 18:00 hours, I'm missing the beginning of the sync, so it's hard to tell for sure what's going on.



Does it include the size of the file generated with the java server and the zip file error ( I mean the JDBC).

For the deletion : I have started the sync as soon as I have downloaded the file form the database, so it's strange that 1 000 records have been deleted (or modified in this time intervall). But maybe it's also a JDBC error.

I use another primary key in my system for years, based on a random function before 12 and UUID ( it was something like "text"base on the table & Ent( random*1000) &Ent( random*1000). But MirrorSync doesn't want it as a primary key for him ( I don't know why). So to try MirrorSync I had to add this UUID random field only to use it for mirrorsync. Related key are not based on it for the moment as they are based on MY primary key for 10 years.

Thanks again for the help you provide.



The part about the file download is in the earlier part of the log that is not included, so I can't answer that question.

You should not create new primary keys for MirrorSync. Read the 3rd bullet point here:


If you'd like to arrange a screen sharing session in French, you can contact Tsiry ([email protected]). He can check your settings and make recommendations.



I'll go and read this document.

I've downloaded another time the file and sent you the log, the file is being downloaded now and it's also more than 7 Go.




Posted (edited)

I did it again, cahnger the xml, did it in the good way for the primary key, the install process did perfectly. But the download file is laso more than 7 Go.
I give you the info for the sync soon.


I did it again, changed the xml, did it in the good way for the primary key, the install process did perfectly. But the download file is also more than 7 Go.
I give you the info for the sync soon.


Edited by auarstadtt

This topic is 3040 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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