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Insert Picture (Web Direct)

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I am stumped. I have a simple check mark graphic, I want to insert it over another picture using a button. This is for a database that will be used online with web direct. 

Anyways....the field would be a container field. Setting one field into another... I thought that if I made the original Container field, with the graphic, "Global Storage" and buried in the background it would always be there.

I have it working in Filemaker 15 Pro, but it does not work with Webdirect, using a browser. 

So I am basically asking what is the best way to go about achieving what I want to achieve here? I hope that made sense... I am sure there is something I am overlooking.

I am using Filemaker 15, Filemaker Server 15, and Filemaker cloud hosted through AWS.

Thanks in advance.



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