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Import loads of data using show custom dialog

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Hi guys,

I'm doing loads of data entry into a table and I need to use the show custom dialog, input data option.


Ive got a table with "Sample", "Stored in", "Patient"

I need to enter the blood samples I have collected from various patients. The blood samples are stored in 3 different reagents depending on the patients that I need to input.

So say patient 1 has blood stored in solution A

Patient 2 has blood stored in solution A and B

Patient 3 has blood store in solution C.

The current set up I have is that I have a custom dialog appearing asking me what Sample I have collected (which i will enter Blood) and What solution is it stored in (which i enter Solution A)

This is fine if I have only a handful of data entry to do, but I'm going to be adding hundreds of archival samples soon.


Is there a workaround this?


Many thanks!!

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This is confusing: if you are going to enter the data manually, why does your title say "import"?

For manual entry, it seems like you need a field formatted as checkboxes. Filemaker's native custom dialog cannot display checkboxes, so use a dialog window instead: http://www.filemaker.com/help/15/fmp/en/#page/FMP_Help%2Fwindow-styles.html%23wwconnect_header

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