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Delete the field contents before the ocurrence of any two letters

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I need to be able to standardize the contents of a field to just the characters after two letters, including the two letters. It's easier to give a few examples rather than describe the calculation:

  • R01AR064810-01A1 -> AR064810-01A1
  • AR064810-01A1 -> AR064810-01A1
  • DA035813 -> DA035813
  • F32NS084680-01A1 -> NS084680-01A1
  • 14SHSP603-01 -> SHSP603-01
  • T32AI007524 -> AI007524

In other words, the calculation needs to examine the text string, find the location of two letters next to each other (there will only be a single occurrence of two letters next to each other in the string), then delete everything to the left of the two letters.

Is such a calculation possible in FMP 12 or 13?


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How about:

Let ( [
mask = Substitute ( YourField ;  [ "A" ; "@" ] ; [ "B" ; "@" ] ; [ "C" ; "@" ] ; [ "D" ; "@" ] ; [ "E" ; "@" ] ; [ "F" ; "@" ] ; [ "G" ; "@" ] ; [ "H" ; "@" ] ; [ "I" ; "@" ] ; [ "J" ; "@" ] ; [ "K" ; "@" ] ; [ "L" ; "@" ] ; [ "M" ; "@" ] ; [ "N" ; "@" ] ; [ "O" ; "@" ] ; [ "P" ; "@" ] ; [ "Q" ; "@" ] ; [ "R" ; "@" ] ; [ "S" ; "@" ] ; [ "T" ; "@" ] ; [ "U" ; "@" ] ; [ "V" ; "@" ] ; [ "W" ; "@" ] ; [ "X" ; "@" ] ; [ "Y" ; "@" ] ; [ "Z" ; "@" ]  ) ;
pos = Position ( mask ; "@@" ; 1 ; 1 )
] ;
Right ( YourField ; Length ( YourField ) - pos + 1  ) 

Note that this assumes a "letter" is one of the 26 upper-case letters of the English alphabet.

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