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Modifying SeedCode example file

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Hello All

I have been playing with the free Airline seating demo file from SeedCode. I think this is great and I'm looking to modify it in a way that allows for multiple aircraft configurations, but I'm hitting major snags. For the record, this is just a personal project and in no way is being distributed or sold.

If you look at the attached file, they've used repeating fields to create the seat map. The repetition is captured and turned into a seat assignment. Thing is, the seat map used in their file in no way mimics a real-world commercial aircraft and there doesn't seem to be a universal way to map seats among multiple variations of aircraft configurations without extensive calculations. As an aviation enthusiast, I modified the seat map in the FRONT file to replicate a common Boeing 777 configuration with three classes, but as of now this only works properly when there's only one specific seat map.

Rows 1-12 are First Class, with a 1-2-1 seat configuration. 17 rows are "skipped" and Economy Comfort are rows 29-32 in a 3-3-3 seat config. Rows 33-57 are standard Coach in a 3-3-3 seat config.

Using their existing calculation set up, repetitions 1-48 accurately calculate to the correct seats in First Class. To then map Economy Comfort correctly you then have to skip to repetition 253. That's 205 repetitions completely ignored.

The part where I'm hitting a brick wall is integrating additional aircraft seat maps for other "flights", such as an A320, which has a completely different seat map configuration. I don't see how this existing table/relationship/script structure would allow for the database to track more than one map. I've separated the aircraft map into a separate window and considered different layouts for different aircraft seat maps linked to different tables. Each aircraft seating map using a different script, however, the passenger information part of the database would need to be consistent, no?

Also, with their current script, dragging a First Class passenger to an Economy Comfort seat yields a seat number which is completely off. With their current config and a larger aircraft I'm struggling to get FM to calculate remaining/unassigned seats in each cabin leading me to believe this might be easier using records rather than repeating fields.

Any input appreciated :)



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Hi Madman411,

Like you I am modifying the original Seedcode seating plan for the purposes of helping my local Church plan their graveyard allocation.  Unlike the arcraft model two people are incorporated into one grace.  However, there is no class system :-)

Did you ever do a Database Design Report (DDR) because, if you did I would be very grateful for an HTML version copy ([email protected]).  I don't use FM Advanced.

I am surprised that no one else responded to your post.

Your example is good work.


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