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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Opening PDF files in containers


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Hello -- I would like to open pdf files that are stored in a secure external manner. 

Only the first page of multipage files show in a FM container window (if I';m not mistaken) so I am wondering about using Preview (Mac, of course). I can retrieve the file path to the secure file by processing the text output of the container file, and then use it as a variable filename in a Send Event script step,  but Preview cannot open it.

Any suggestions?

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2 hours ago, Asu said:

Only the first page of multipage files show in a FM container window (if I';m not mistaken)

If I am not mistaken, you can format the container field as interactive container. Then you'll get an instance of Adobe Reader inside the field, allowing you to scroll and/or page through the PDF document.

In order to open the PDF in Preview, you would have to export it first. While you have it encrypted in external storage, Filemaker is the only application that can open it (that is the purpose of the encryption).

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Well I would think it would decrypt it then pass in on to another app. 

But if I'm not mistaken, I understand what you are saying so thank you for your suggestion



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1 hour ago, Asu said:

I would think it would decrypt it then pass in on to another app. 

While it's decrypted, it exists only as the contents of the container field in the current record. These contents are not accessible to other applications. Exporting the field is a way to make them so. Perhaps there is another way to pass the contents using AppleScript - I am not sure if and how that would work. In any case, passing the path to the file will not accomplish anything, because the file does not live there.

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Just out of curiosity, I tried the following: 

  1. Click in the container field;
  2. Select 'Copy' from the Edit menu;
  3. Switch to the Preview application;
  4. Select 'New from Clipboard' from the File menu.

This will open a copy of the PDF in the Preview application as a new, unsaved document. But again, this should not be required if you format the container as optimized for PDF.




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