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We updated to Filemaker 18 Server and we are using a Custom PlugIn made by ScriptMaster 5.2.

On the Filemaker Server 18 the PlugIn can not be loaded.

What we need to do for using the PlugIn on MacOs and Windows Server?


Kind regards


Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-12 um 18.36.51.png

Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-12 um 18.38.49.png


Hi phofstetter,

In FileMaker 18, plugins are now required to be signed. Custom plugins generated by ScriptMaster are not signed by 360Works, and will need to be signed by you. Please follow the instructions in our documentation at the following link http://docs.360works.com/index.php/ScriptMaster#FileMaker_18_Changes on how to sign your custom plugin. Make sure to download the unsigned version of ScriptMaster in that documentation link.



I could not understand how to do this. I downloaded Xcode, a 7.7 Gb heavy file but I could not found how to proceed.
The instructions on the link you provided are not clear to me.

Can you please send me a step by step instruction how to do this task?
How to sign a Mac plugin through Xcode?
Can we sign also the windows plugin through this process?

If no, how to do this?

Can you offer a service where we can sign our plugins easily?

I guess that many of the Filemaker developers are struggling here also.

Kind regards


Unfortunately, we do not have a step by step guide for this process. But once you have generated the custom plugin using the unsigned version of ScriptMaster, you can follow the instructions from one of these blog posts on the same topic. Please take a look at the following links. I apologize for this inconvenience, but it is necessary due to the changes made by FileMaker 18.





We have tried to sign the code using your links on the web but we could not sign it on Mac. For windows we either did not try.

We struggled in setup in XCODE-Beta the right projects. We used «macOS -> Generic Kernel Extension». 
Then we pointed to our existing plugin made with ScriptMaster. We could see the general tab now and the signing&capabilities tab. Here we did the settings.
We then opened the tab Build Phases. We needed to use the +sign and add «New copy file phase». We used in the dropdown «Absolute Path and made the settings. But we struggled in how to set the path under name where we needed to check «Code Sign on Copy»

We then hot the Run Arrow Button and the message «Build Suceeded» open-end.

We could not found the new build plugin nowhere and in Terminal we see the message 
Philipps-MacBook-Pro:Neuer Ordner philipphofstetter$ codesign --verify --verbose=4 fmPROVE.fmplugin
fmPROVE.fmplugin: invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)
In architecture: x86_64

We are completely in the dark since we are not full fledged programmers. We need your support in order to become that fixed. If you wish we can arrange a Teamvier session where you can come to our system.

Thank you for a feedback and kind regards


Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-22 um 15.33.26.png

This topic is 2074 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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