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file not found and it's the file I opened

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I've spent all morning trying to figure out this issue and I'm stumped.

I open a file, click Manage / Database, and a small window pops up that says "The file (filename) could not be opened.  (Not Found).  OK". I click OK, a window opens asking me to locate the file or click Cancel to cancel any further requests for this file.  

The odd part is that the file that's not found is the same file I just opened.

If I click cancel OR select the file that's opened, all is well.  I can try clicking Manage / Database and the proper window opens up.

If I select any other option under Manage such as Security, there is no problem.

If I change the name of the file and then open it again, the filename that cannot be found is the old filename, not the new one.

I've tried a few things like restarting Filemaker, running Onyx, and checking for Container fields.  I use 3 external files, but they seem to be properly specified.

I don't know how to find out what I've done wrong.


I see three files that have different names than the file I opened at the start.  I've checked the file names, and they seem to be fine.  I'll check to make sure the data from those files is available and correct.

I reorganized the database recently and must have introduced an error, but I haven't been able to find it.

Thank you.


I found that I was not using one of the external files correctly.  I'm sure when I get that fixed all will be well.

Thanks for sending me down the right path.  The error message wasn't much help.

Thanks again

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