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Perhaps the simplest way to do this is to make sure that you are on a list layout and that the cursor is not in a field, then hold down the Shift key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) and choose Copy from the Edit menu.

That will copy the contents of all records (including all fields except containers which are on the current layout) to the clipboard, and you can paste them anywhere you like.

Field values will be separated by tabs and record data will be separated by carriage returns.

If you want to automate the process, the Copy All Records' script step does the same thing, and a subsequent 'Paste script step will complete the procedure for you.

If you want to achieve the same thing without disturbing the contents of the clipboard (or having to store them somewhere and recover them afterwards), another alternative would be to use a global text field and a Loop/Set Field/EndLoop scripted sequence to compile field contents from each record into the global field.

Hope the above suggestions give you something to work with.


It depends upon what you mean by "all data" and what you want to do with the data. Do you mean all data in a single field or all data in all fields? What do you want to do with this data? If you want to print it, just create a print layout. If you want to view the data, a layout can be created. If you want to export the data, the export function will allow you to select all the fields. You can also create a text field which concatenates the contents of all fields. The copy all function can be used to put all the record data on the clipboard.



Ok Let me clear by this

Dear all,

Sorry my english ...hope you all understand.

I have a database named A

with fields (3 fields)

Projectno, Invoiceno ,comment

1, 123, A

2, 222, B

1, 129 ,C

When I use a find by Projectno with Projectno =1, how can I get like below

Projectno Invoiceno comment

1, 123 ,AC

1 ,129, AC

What i mean is if same project I will get all the comments related to that projectno together.

Do I use a calculated field or use script to to that?

I really have no idea how to start.

I don't see "Copy All" script and I really don't understand by that method. What I really want is concatenate all the single record from record number one to the last record and put into a field like the example above

If you have an example like that , Can I have a look of it

Thanks all


If you just want to display the results of your search, create a Columnar list/report or Table View layout and place the three fields on the layout. I'm still not sure if this is what you are asking.



Dear LiveOak,

I know you don't understand what i am asking. Ok let me clear more.

I a a field named Employee ( text)

record number 1 : John

record number 2: Bill

record number 3: Paul

How can I get ??? "JohnBillPaul " together ...Do I have to create another field to get this or some script which can do that. That is what I mean .

I really need your help



A script would be something like this:

Go To Related Records (Projectno, show only related)

Set field (globalComment, "")


. Set field (globalComment, globalComment & comment)

. Go to record (next, exit after last)

End Loop

Replace (no dialog, comment, globalComment)


Dear Tom

Your logic is quite right and give me an idea.

Do I have to create a relationship in same database on Projectno field or with another database?

Thanks Tom

  • 1 month later...

I was just going through my old replies and saw the follow-up didn't get answered -- sorry about that. The script will work with a self-join or a related file, but if it's using a related file, only the Go To Related Records step would be in the original file. Then you'd use the Perform Script (external) step and the rest of the script would be in the related file.

This topic is 8144 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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