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I've downloaded events plugin and I've tried to use it but the External script daily event example doesnt work. I've created the global field and built up a daily script event but nothing happens. Only if I perform the script the global field is filled in with the word "success". As I understood the script should be activated by the plugin. Does anyone know what is going on ?

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The 'success' response from the plug-in indicates that the syntax of your external function was accepted by the plug-in, and as a result the plug-in should then attempt to invoke a script with a particular name at a particular time (as defined in the parameters).

However the script will still not run unless the parameters you have provided are accurate. Possible problems would include:

1. the script name you provided is not exactly accurate,

2. there is more than one script by the same name in the target file,

3. the database name supplied to the plug-in does not match your database name (eg you have incorrectly omitted or included an .fp5 extension),

4. the time or date parameters were not formatted correctly.

As a starting point, have a close look over these aspects of your external function syntax to see if you can spot anything amiss - and perhaps compare your syntax with the examples provided in the plug-in documentation.

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I've checked all the parameters and I'm sure it works because it works manually. The problem is that the plugin doesn't work. It should activate the script and it doesn't happen. I need to see it work before I ask our company to buy it because I need to have arguments and show all the benefits our company will have using the plugin with the system we have , otherwise our company won't buy it.

First I started trying the example that comes with the demo plugin, and it doesn't work. For how long does the demo work ?

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As I recall, the demo of events expires after an hour and you have to relaunch FMP to get a further period.

Before you make a decision about purchase, you might also wish to download a demo of the Troi Activator plug-in, which does many of the same (and a few different) things.

If nothing else, it will strenghten your case to management if you have appraised alternative products and can assure them that you are recommending the 'ideal' solution.

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This topic is 7892 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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