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Tiff image from Access to Filemaker?

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A Win application digitalises X-ray scans and delivers them in .tiff format to an Access database. Is it possible, through Applescript, to automatically export them from the Access database to a Filemaker database?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

dirk confused.gif

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Access is a Windows application and AppleScript will not apply. Try to see if you an get the path (via Visual Basic or an export of the data). You could then import the path and use an applescript to import the image (assuming the image is not stored within the access database.)

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If you can get the images out of Access and into separate tiff image files in a folder on your mac, then yes.

tell app "finder"

-- change the following to suit your own folder name

set myfolder to "Macintosh HD:ScannedXrays:jan2002"

set mypics to ( name of every item in folder myfolder) as list

end tell

-- change the following line to suit your database name

tell database "XrayCatalog.fp5" of app "Filemaker Pro"

repeat with i from 1 to count of mypics

set filename to (myfolder &":"&(item i of mypics))

-- skip files that are the wrong type

-- change the following line to suit your image file type

if filename ends with ".tiff"

set picFile to reference to file filename

create new record

-- picture is the container field where the import goes

set cell "picture" of last record to reference to picFile

-- picref is a text field that holds the path/file name

set cell "picref" of last record to filename

end if

end repeat

end tell

As for getting the images out of Access, you may have to get help from someone else. I've never used it.

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This topic is 7932 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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