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Open A Real Basic APP

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I'm looking for a way to open a Real Basic application on a mac

If I use AppleScript

tell application "OpenOS X"


end tell

I get an error " Can't get the application's event dictionary"

If I use send apple event

I get an error "<unknown>" could not be found and is required to complete this operation.

I think the problem is in the Real Basic App because I was able to make both apple script and apple event to work with other app's

Any thoughts.

Ron Bascom

PS I the one that worte the Real Basic app in question.

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Did you give your RealBasic application a unique Creator code? It likely requires this in order for Apple Events to locate the application.

You need to have a section in your RealBasic application to handle the received apple events. Create a new sub-class that has Application as its Super property value. Then in the Events handlers section of this subclass, edit the Activate handler, and add code to do what ever must happen when the application is activated.


Sub Activate()


end sub

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This topic is 7924 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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