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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Export Records: Using record field as file name.


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confused.gif I am trying to create a repeating script that will out put a text file per record with a unique name based on a field in each record.

I am using FileMaker Pro 5 (MAC). This database is controlling the content for a large multimedia project for a CD-ROM. Each record is a set of fields describing a kitchen appliance. One of my layouts contains a single calculation field that concatenates the information from the other fields in a format that the Flash player can read via its loadVariables() function. I am basing that name on the unique SKU/model number for each product, as an example...uniquemodel#.txt.

Right now I am forced into manually copying and pasting from this field into a Word doc and then saving the file with the uniqueModel#. Not only is this time consuming, there will be upwards of 500+ products, but it is prone to error, -wrong text with wrong uniqueModel# file name.

Is there a way to get FileMaker to pump out these files per record and use the model# field as a naming source? Thanks in advance for saving my butt.

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