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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Importing ascii comma file using 'matching names'


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I'm having a problem importing an ascii comma file. When I try to import it, I am unable to specify by 'matching names'; It appears to be disabled. However, when I try importing an excel file, 'matching names' is enabled. I was originally using excel, but I have to import more than excel's column limit allows.

What I need to do is be able to import a file with more than 256 columns and be able to at least map it correctly for the first run.

Anyone know how I can do this?

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When importing ASCII files, FM doesn't recognize any format for what might be interpreted as "Names". It would be useful if you could specify "use first record and field names" or such, but this type of operation is not supported. Excel allows such an option. In order to use the "matching names" option, you must import one of the file types that supports it (FileMaker, SYLK, DBF, etc.).


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