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*click* + *mouse wheel* --> next record


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When I'm filling in my records I go from program to program to gather information. As i'm doing this i'm clicking a lot, sometimes in combination with scrolling with the mouse wheel (accidentely most of the times) when this happens in filemakers, he jumps to the next (or previous) record. For some peoply this might be handy, but for me not, it happened a few times now that I filled in fields in the wrong record...... Is there a way to turn of this feature?

(I don't know if I'm in the right forum now.....)

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  • 2 months later...

I believe locking the status area will do the trick.

Use the script step "Toggle Status Area [show, lock]" if you want to status area shown, or "Toggle Status Area [hide, lock]" if you want it hidden.

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