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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Problems with Multiple Inline Actions in FMP 6


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I have a format page that has three consecutive inline actions. This format page works well in FMP 5 Unlimited but causes my server to crash in FMP 6 Unlimited. I'm runnning this on a G4 Mac using ASIP 6.3.3 with Eudora 5.1 as my mail client.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the code:

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=requests.fp5, -lay=Form View, -mailto="{FMP-Field:Email}", [email protected], -mailsub=Thank You, -mailhost=mydomain.com, -mailformat=thankyou.txt, Email_Sent="True", -RecID={CurrentRecID}, -Edit][/FMP-InlineAction]

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=requests.fp5, -lay=Form View, [email protected], -mailfrom="{FMP-Field:Email}", -mailsub="{FMP-Field:Subject}", -mailhost=mydomain.com, -mailformat=prequest.txt, -mailbcc="{FMP-Field:Recipient1}", -mailbcc="{FMP-Field:Recipient2}", -mailbcc="{FMP-Field:Recipient3}", Sent="True", -RecID={CurrentRecID}, -Edit][/FMP-InlineAction]

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=mainrequests.fp5, -lay=Form View, -RecID="{FMP-Field:MR_RecID}", Sent="True", -Edit][/FMP-InlineAction]


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Hi, Pearce! I have nothing to back this up but I thought I read something about FMP6 eliminating certain CDML commands (I could be thinking of FMP5 vs. 4, though). If no one else offers anything, try verifying all the -mailxxx commands work (start with -mailformat). Someone please correct me if I am spreading erroneous gossip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as I can tell FMP 6 did not delete any CDML commands. There were some CDML commands deleted with FMP 5 due to security issues. So I am still at a loss as to why the inline actions cause my server to crash when I use FMP 6 but not FMP 5. Hmmmm...........::

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  • 4 months later...

Many months later I have found what is causing my problem. It appears that my mail server fails because FMU 6 is jamming it with several messages much faster than FMU 5 used to. The solution has been to run FMU 6 and the mail server on separate machines. Now the inline actions work like they did with FMU 5.


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