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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

"Paste Layout Object" pastes a graphic ?!?!?!?!


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Had to reinstall my FM Pro 4.0v1 today. Working on files hosted by FM Server 3.0v3 but the problem is on my client end because it has only been happening since the re-install.

It's so strange...when I'm working in layout mode and I copy a layout object (text or a button) and then choose paste layout object(s) either from the edit menu or by right-clicking, FM pastes a graphic! instead of a duplicate of the copied object. I can get it to work properly if I choose "Paste As..." from the Edit Menu and then choose layout object(s).

This is very frustrating. Any thoughts?

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Well, I don't have any thoughts on why this is happening, only that I noticed it when I copy/paste more than one object onto another layout. I didn't notice it anymore after I updated my FM 5.5 to v3.

If you are on the same layout, you can hit Ctrl (I think its Option on Mac), select the object and drag to duplicate it quickly.

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FM is set to convert pasted layout objects which come from different versions of FMP as graphics, so as to avoid potential conflicts between the attributes and code handling of objects in different versions of the application.

It is possible that your problem arises from the fact that the files you are working from are hosted by Server v3 while you are working on them in v4. It should not occur, since the file format is the same, but I suspect that may be the 'reason' nonetheless.

Although I've not encountered this specific issue previously, the version you are using is know to have several pesky bugs, and there is a free update available from the FMI site which is a distinct improvement. I'd recommend that you consider downloading and installing the free updates to bring your version up to 4.0v3 - which will be an improvement in other respects, even if it doesn't address this particular issue.

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Oh, how i wish I could follow this recommendation. I just found out yesterday that there were patches released for this. Downloaded 'em and then installed on my computer and a couple of other users'. Once I did that, we started to get a max number of users error (even though, according to my boss, we have a 25+ license). Then the next thing she told me was not to install the patches! She is not a computer person and it is growing increasingly more frustrating to deal with her, especially since it means I'm stuck with this 4.0v1.

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This sounded familiar, so I searched this forum and found this post.

Is the FM type you install on the clients the 25+ license? You know better than I what your license situation is, but this issue keeps coming back to your license.

If you cant get the proper updates, it like fighting Tyson with one hand behind your back laugh.gif


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