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FM Taking ages to open

Tom England

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This problem has only recently started. When I open FM (either through programs or by open a DB direct) it now takes about 5 mins to open, during that time, the FM splash screen appears, then this just changes to a grey box.

I am running it on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 laptop, and this only happens with this application. Has anyone any ideas?? (I have tried re installing)

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I had this happen with some of our Windows clients but the problem seemed to resolve itself - never figured out why it was happening. Maybe antivirus-related? Are you saying you can log onto the laptop with a different user profile and the problem does not occur? Or that when you log onto another user's PC you get the problem and they do not?


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So you are most likely using either NT4, Windows 2000, or XP on the laptop. It must be a user profile problem based on what you have said. Try Anatoli's suggestion of deleting temp and cache files. If that doesn't work delete your profile and recreate it (back up what you need from it of course). I have seen this happen 2 times out of 150 users - both times I deleted the user profile and the problem was fixed. We use roaming profiles so the profile was automatically recreated when the user logged in. I tried going through the user profile and deleting Filemaker-related files and folders but that didn't work.

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  • 2 months later...

I have run into this about 5 times over the past 5 years. Each time on ethernetted win95/98 machines with FM versions 3.0 through 6.0. I have felt it has had something to do with FM trying to set-up something to do with the network -- maybe trying to find potential database hosts around the network.

I have two outstanding cases on different networks and I'll try deleting user profiles when I next get to those machines.

Is deleting user profiles as easy as going to the Users control panel and deleting? Or is there any trick to it? Are other programs affected more disastrously than having to reset options? For example, do you have to re-setup network properties? (I'm primarily Mac-oriented and don't relish delving into Windows networking voodoo, if I can avoid it.)

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