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Terminlal Service: The memory could not be "read".


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We have a Win2K server box (our main domain controller) running terminal service.

Users from remote offices use FMP 5.0v3 in terminal service to connect to our databases. This setup is faster than directly connecting to our FMP server and it's been working perfectly for almost a year now.

A little while ago we started getting the following message :

"The instruction at "0x77805ce7" referenced memory at "0x00213000". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate"

The error message sometimes pops up when opening the first database, sometimes when trying to create a new record after all the databases are open and sometimes not at all. I can't seem to associate the error with any other events...

When it started both remote office had the problem and I could replicate the problem by logging in the terminal server as the remote office users or locally (directly on the server).

Then one of the remote office stopped getting the error... I stopped getting the error directly on the server or when logging in as remote office users either from within the LAN or from my home.

So there is only one remote office left with the problem.. and they are getting it MOST of the time but not always... And I can't replicate it while logged in as their user (from here or from home), no matter how much I try.

Microsoft says that the solution to this problem is to upgrade to the latest service pack.... we already were up to date....

Reversly, following the advice of a user on a win2k server forum, I uninstalled about 5 or 6 pre-sp4 hotfixes and sp3.

Any ideas are more than welcome...


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It sounds like a RAM chip that's going bad. It wasn't a server, but awhile back we had an NT4.0 machine that was getting a similar error using FileMaker. Ran a RAM check utility and it came up with a chip on one of the RAM modules was not keeping it's state consistently. Replaced the RAM and no more problems.

I would at least check it just to eliminate a hardware issue - they do go bad occasionally.

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Should have mentioned... that's the first thing we did...

We actually completely replaced the RAM with different chips so unless those chip were bad too that's not it.

I'll actually try a ram checking utility... you never know !

Thanks for the help !

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I think we found the problem !

Turns out it wasn't a FileMaker problem... but a printer problem !

It's just so happens that FileMaker was the first program to request page formats from the printer driver and so the problem would happen when opening a FileMaker db.

For the record :

We found that there was a conflict between a printer driver version on the remote computer and the printer driver on the terminal server.

We uninstalled the printer and everything went back to normal.

Why was the problem so inconsistent ? or why was it happening everywhere else (at some point) ? We haven't figured that part yet :-)

Were not actually 100% sure that the problem is solved for good but we keep our fingers crossed.

Thanks for your help !

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