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FileA Summary fields seen in a portal in FileB

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I want to use the result of summary fields from my Line Item into a portal for Inventory in my Product File.

The Products I'm selling are subcategorized (think of a validity date attached to a product). So I want to list all the category in stock for each product.

Using selfjoin, I can select any category from a popup list and see the detailled records for each, but for a more dynamic viewing, I would like to get a "list" of all categories in stock portal (I just need 5 lines that is the max category I hold in stock for the same article).

I thought about a portal, as it can immediately display these records, but cannot find a way to catch the summary fields from Line Items into that portal.

I tried using ProductFile:Product_Id::LineItem::conc_Product_Id&Categ

where conc_Product_ID&Categ = Product_Id & "P" & Categ.

Doesn't work.

Any ideas. Thank you


Do you have an Inventory file as well (3 files total)?

From your post, I think that in your ProductFile, you are trying to display a total of in stock items from inventory file minus the number sold in LineItems for each subset of a given category. Is this close?

If so, try creating a 2 calc fields in Inventory:





use c_CategoryRemainingStock in your portal.

I dont think this is exactly what you need, but might help trigger the solution. If not, could you post a little more detail?



See this thread and attachments

This is my test file. Please note that this version has been updated as I finally found a way to make it totally relational, thanks to a "automatic lookup field".

I cannot send it though because it is actually on another computer, but I will post it to you if you want.

Still, I cannot get the solution to this current post. In the product file (where the inventory actually is-no 3rd file), you will have 3 options to view the current stock count (quantities and costs) :

- One that actually give you the current stock for the Product_ID (with all movements from the Lines Item in a portal)

- Another that actually summarize the movement from stock by shade/calibre (this is the subcategory) for the same Product_ID, showing the "history" of operations from the Line Items summarized by Shade/Calibre.

- Last one that actually only show the calibre/shades actually in Stock (residual qty>0) and the operations from the Line Items for this "in stock Shade/Calibre".

At that point, I can filter the records using a value list. But I would like to have these values in a portal...

This is my first Inventory File, so please tell if there are major problems to have the Inventory in the Product File. I found it very "relational" and cannot see so far any cons for that solution.

Thank you so much for your help.


Okay, I skimmed the other thread, but could not download the attached test file (I have downloaded succesfully from the site before- did you compress it?)

The terminology is getting a bit confusing for me, let me try and summarize and see if I got it:

your tiles have 4 identifying fields, only the last is unique to a tile.





In the products file, you want to view a portal of only in stock shade and caliber combinations for a given name, and list the activity (#sold and # on order) from line items for these combinations.

Is this right?

- One that actually give you the current stock for the Product_ID (with all movements from the Lines Item in a portal)

- Another that actually summarize the movement from stock by shade/calibre (this is the subcategory) for the same Product_ID, showing the "history" of operations from the Line Items summarized by Shade/Calibre.

- Last one that actually only show the calibre/shades actually in Stock (residual qty>0) and the operations from the Line Items for this "in stock Shade/Calibre".

are you having problems with all 3 of these, or just the last one?

Feel free to contact me privately.



I'm sorry you spent some time with this attachment.

However, this will probably be helpful for those who needed results from Multikey. [color:"red"]Hope you'll got a second star for your constant help and for this one as it is very clear.

I didn't mentionned it but I use Multikey to filter my Product File where products have this description :

MyProduct_ID - Category Abbreviation - Collection Name - Color - Size - VendorProduct_ID

Therefore, I have :

- 4085 - GC - Via della Seta - Oro - 30x30 - 4fgk5

- 4096 - GC - Via della Seta - Beige - 15x15 - 5gkl2

- 4098 - GC - Via della Seta - Yellow - 30x30 - 3flm4

There are already 20,400 records crazy.gifin the Product File. That is why I do not want to use a different ID for the product as this is always the same product, and I have already a huge Product Db. This will expand the number of records and wouldn't be helpful.

I do not understand why you couldn't download my attachment, but I'm sure you'll get what I'm trying to do.

I have a Product File and a Line Item. The Inventory [color:"red"]can be viewed in my Product File , using 3 relationships to the Line Items and 3 portals :

- Relation 1 : Product:Product_ID::Line Item:Product_ID

- Relation 2 : Product:c_KeyProduct_IdCalibreShade::Line Item:c_KeyProduct_IdCalibreShade

[color:"red"] CalibreShade is a record from the line item , I use [color:"red"]Conditional Value List to match this field in order to create c_KeyProduct_IdCalibreShade in the Product File.

- Relation 3 : Product:Product_ID::Line Item:c_Keylookuprelationfield

Where c_Keylookuprelationfield is a lookup field [color:"orange"]Thanks to Bob Weiver in Line Item used to index the Calculation Case(ResidualQtyperCalibreShade* > 0; "Product_ID"; "")


ResidualQtyperCalibreShade = Tot_RelatedPO_CalibreShade - Tot_RelatedINV_CalibreShade

Tot_RelatedPO_CalibreShade = SUM(SelfonCalibreShade::Quantity PO)

Tot_RelatedINV_CalibreShade = SUM(SelfonCalibreShade::Quantity Invoiced)

with SelfonCalibreShade = Line Item:c_KeyProduct_IdCalibreShade::Line Item:c_KeyProduct_IdCalibreShade

- Portal N


Dont worry about the attachment- I suspected that was too simple...

Some questions:

For the moment, I can see 150 products "Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5" in my stock, and then I must select each shade/calibre to check the remaining quantities per shade.

Where can you see this? Through a portal? Based on Which Relationship?

I would prefer having a portal that would display :

Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5 with cal/shade 4c2 - Qty remaining = 25

Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5 with cal/shade 4d3 - Qty remaining = 40

Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5 with cal/shade 2b4 - Qty remaining = 10

Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5 with cal/shade 3b1 - Qty remaining = 25

What exactly is the Calc for Qty Remaining? is it RealStock_Product_ID = Qty stock_ProductID - Qty reserved_ProductID?

By the way, what do you personnally think of a non separate Inventory file

Hard to say, seeing as it seems I dont completely get your system yet. I have only done a few inventory files, and they dealt with 100-1000 products. I imagine I would consider the problem differently if I had to contend with 20,400+ products. You poor soul...

Also- what are all relevant stock quantities kept in the line items file, or is the line items a record of actions that modify a base # in products?

And-if you

can see 150 products "Via della Seta Oro 30x30 4fgk5" in my stock and then I must select each shade/calibre to check the remaining quantities per shade.

Where does it take you to see this remaining quantity per shade number? LineItems?

Try Posting the attachment compressed on this thread- third times a charm.


OK, I'll try to send the new attachment this evening (+ 6 hours from NY), when I come back home. But here are answers to your questions :

Question 1 :

These 150 products can be seen in a field called "RealStock_Product_ID" in the Product file which is a simple calc based on Relation 1 (Product:Product_ID::LineIteltemProduct_ID)

RealStock_Product_ID = QtyStock_Product_ID - QtyReserved_Product_ID

where :

QtyStock_Product_ID = SUM (Relation1::Qty P.O.) - SUM (Relation1::Qty Invoice)

QtyReserved_Product_ID = SUM (Relation1::Qty Remaining in CustOrder)

with Qty Remaining in CustOrder = IF(Customer_ID#"Myself"; Case(Qty invoice >0;0;Qty Customer Order);0)

Question N


I finally did it . Yeah.

Serial number. That is the way to go...

I was remodeling the definitive line items with serial numbers for Customer orders and Purchase orders, in order to have a field with 1-1,1-2,1-3 where the first digit stands for the Customer Order and the second the line number for this Customer Order.

Suddenly, all became clear even for that case.

Using a selfjoin based on the concanated field Product_IDandshadecalibre = Product_ID&Shadecalibre.

1. I created a autoentered Serial_per_ProductandShade

2. I created a c_NextSerialN

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