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Filemakerpro 6 Unlimited

Windows XP Professional

Here's my situation:

I've got a 2 dbs: sample.fp5 and sample_plant.fp5. Sample.fp5 contains information about individual samples (date in, date out, plant, etc) while sample_plant contains just one field -- plant. I've got a relationship from sample_plant to sample matching the plant name, and a record for every single type of plant that appears in sample.fp5. The reason for doing this is because I want to have a heading -- plant -- when I generate the search results page.

The idea is to first do a search against the sample_plant.fp5 db to pull up every single type of plant available, and then performing an inline action searching for all occurances of a particular plant name in sample.fp5.

The output should look like this:

Plant 1


1. date in date out examiner etc

2. date in date out examiner etc




Plant 2


1. date in date out examiner etc

2. date in date out examiner etc




on so on and so forth for every type of plant in sample.fp5.

It seems to work, but my problem comes in when I try to search for a particular date in or date out in my secondary inline action. Question: is there any way to pass data between nested inline actions?


search page:




[FMP-field: plant]<br>--------<br>

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=sample.fp5, -max=all, plant={FMP-field: plant}, date_in_month={FMP-field: sample::date_in_month}, -find]


[FMP-field: date_in_month], [FMP-field: date_out_month], [FMP-field: examiner]<br>




I can't seem to get {FMP-field: sample::date_in_month} from sample_plant.fp5 to replace the portion of the inline action against sample.fp5. Sorry for the terribly long post, and any help would be greatly appreciated!


I would just use one file, sample_plant.fp5 I would sort by plant and use some Javascript to print a heading and break on each plant.

All the best.


p.s. You could also use a Portal in the sample.fp5 file and use [FMP-Portal]



Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, if I were to use portals, I wouldn't be able to pull up a particular plant with a specified date_in_month, if I wanted to search for all plant entered during a given month (or can I? I don't know.)

Here's what I have tried to do using Javascript:


<script language="javascript">

var date_month="[FMP-field: date_in_month]";

var date_year="[FMP-field: date_in_year]";


and in the body somewhere:

<script>document.write("[FMP-InlineAction: -db=sample.fp5, plant={FMP-field: plant}, date_in_month="+date_month+", date_in_year="+date_year+", -max=all, -find]");</script>

and with the [FMP-currentfind] functionality I discover that the variable inserted into date_in_month to be +date_month+ and date_in_year is +date_year+. When I do a separate document.write, it displays the correct information, eg: date_month is April and date_year is 2003.

Is there something wrong with the Javascript?

Again, thanks for any help you can give.



PS: I would really appreciate it if you could show me how you would go about using Javascript to print the header and breaks. Thanks.


Here's how I would do it, sans javascript:


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-DB" VALUE="sample_plant.fp5">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Lay" VALUE="web">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Format" VALUE="results.htm">

<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=date_in VALUE="">

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="-find" value="FIND">


Here's how I would do it, sans javascript:


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-DB" VALUE="sample_plant.fp5">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Lay" VALUE="web">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-Format" VALUE="results.htm">

<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=date_in VALUE="">

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="-find" value="FIND">

PAGE 2 (i redo the search for each record to set the right tokens):



This is how I would be tempted to achieve the report.

Here is the URL to start:


This script would be in the body of the "results.html" format file:

<script>plant_name = "";


if (plant_name == "[FMP-Field:plant]")






   plant_name = "[FMP-Field:plant]";





Hope this is enough to get you going.

All the best.



Here's how I finally solved the problem. I took your advice Garry, and only searched against one db: sample.fp5:


in the results.html <HEAD> section:


var records = "[FMP-currentfoundcount]";

var plant = new Array (records);

var i = 0;




in the body, between the [FMP-record] tags:



var planttemp="[FMP-field: plant]";


if (plant != plant[i-1]) {

document.writeln("<br><strong> Plant : " + plant + " " + "</strong>");




... the rest of the record details come here ...


I hope this comes in handy for someone else. Anyway, thanks for the help, Garry and CyberSport.



This topic is 7914 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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