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Hi All,

I have the following code used to send an email to two people when a user creates a new ticket. The user completes a form on the newticket page and submits, this goes to the newticketemail page (where the code below is) to send the email to the customer and the account manager, and then onto a confirmation page.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="2;URL=FMPro?-db=DB.fp5&-lay=Layout&-format=newticketconfirm.htm&-mailto=[FMP-Field:Email]&-mailto=[FMP-Field:AccManEmail]&[email protected]&-mailsub=Support&-mailhost=host&-mailformat=includes/newticket.txt&-recid=[FMP-Currentrecid]&-token.0=[FMP-CurrentToken:0]&-token.1=[FMP-CurrentToken:1]&-token.2=[FMP-CurrentToken:2]&-Find">

At the moment, the email is sent to both parties using the same format file for both.

What I would like to do is send one format file to the Customer, and another seperate format file to the Account Manager.

Does anybody know if this is possible please?

Many thanks


I think I may have gotten my terminology mixed up, I meant mailformat and not format file, sorry!

I would like to send an email to the Customer using the &-mailformat=includes/newticket.txt and a second email to the Account Manager using &-mailformat=includes/accmannewticket.txt, all from within the same format file.

I have tried repeating the code from my original post again after it for the second email, but this caused it to send only one email?

Do you still think that Inlines are the way forward here? And if so, would you be able to provide an example please as I am very unfamiliar with them?

Many thanks


Hmmmmmmmm the CODE tags just removed the code frown.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.gif


What it does

[FMP-InlineAction] allows the processing of multiple CDML requests during the processing of a single format file. The [FMP-InlineAction] tag takes as its parameters the URL-like format of the name value pairs for a CDML request. All further processing of the format file then continues as if the inline request started the processing.

When the [/FMP-InlineAction] is processed the request that was in effect previously is restored. Any -Format tags are ignored in the request. [FMP-CurrentError] contains the error result number of the last [FMP-InlineAction]. Any FMP-ContentMIMEType or FMP-Header tags inside any [FMP-InlineAction] tags are processed as if they were not inside any [FMP-InlineAction] tags.


[FMP-InlineAction: Intratags ]


First parameter: Intratags{intratag parameter}

Syntax example(s)

<!-- List the employees named Doe in the current database -->

[FMP-InlineAction: -db={CurrentDatabase}, -lay={CurrentLayout}, last name="doe", position="Software Engineer", -find] [FMP-Field: first name] [FMP-Field: last name] [/FMP-InlineAction]

<!-- Send a mail message if a cookie was never set -->

[FMP-If: CurrentCookie: hasseen .ne. yes]

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=dbname, [email protected], [email protected],

-mailsub=New User, -mailhost=, -mailformat=newuser.txt, -view]



<!-- Log page hits in another database -->

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=log.fp5, -lay=web, time="{CurrentTime}", date="{CurrentDate}",

page="This page!", browser="{ClientType}", ip="{ClientIP}", -new]


Get the CDML reference database.

This topic is 7890 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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